What can I do to pass the escreen 9 panel test?


New Member
I am required to take a escreen 9 panel test for pre-employment. Although I was NOT given a date that I must take the test by, my preliminary start date is the beginning of July. So obviously the test needs to be done by then. I want to take the test as soon as possible so that I don't cause them to doubt me. However, I am concerned about my ability to pass.

On a regular, I am a moderate smoker, 4-5 times a week, however, I have been completely clean for 2 weeks (since I learned it was a possibility I would have to take a drug screen). Prior to the 2 weeks, I smoked about only 5 times since the start of May (my consumption slowed down this month due to illness). I am 5'8", heavy-set, with a lightly active lifestyle. Since quitting I have began drinking ONLY water (no alcohol, soda, juice, etc.) and exercising (walking the hiking trail for 30 min to an hour several times a week).

I have not taken a drug test in about 13 years. The last time I took one it was sprung on me with about 24 hours notice and I had smoked the day before. I was able to pass the test with no help. However, I can not remember what my consumption was like back then.

I need some tips on what I can do to increase my chances to pass as well as how long should I wait to test. The soonest I can take the test is next Tuesday (due to the holiday and hours of the center). Should I wait longer? I am not interested in trying synthetic urine or using a sub as it's too risky. However I am considering cleansing. Any tips, ideas on affordable options. Thanks in advance!
I wanted to reply to my own to offer some insight to anyone who may read this post. I posted about a week ago and received no response to my question but I at least wanted to share my experience and hopefully it will help. I was about 2 weeks and 2 days clean when I tested. Got an in office rapid escreen result and passed using Ready Clean. I stopped smoking completely 2 weeks before the test after years of continuous use. I drank nothing but water (I mean NOTHING but water) at least a half a gallon a day, took 2 cranberry pills twice a day (morning and night), did moderate exercise, and no real diet modification. I used Ready Clean exactly as advertised the morning of, tested late in the 5 hour window and passed. My urine was super clear (which I was kind of worried about) but I did fine. One thing I did underestimate was the amount I would void after using the Ready Clean. Within the first hour I peed 3 times and had to pull over before making to the testing center (30 mins away). While waiting ( I had an extra long wait) I used the restroom 4 times before my screening. So be prepared. I would recommend Ready Clean if you are worried.
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