420 Girl - Renee Petro

Renee Petro is the mother of Branden Petro, aka Branden The Brave, a young boy who suffers from FIRES, or Febrile Infection Related Epilepsy Syndrome. It is a form of epilepsy that takes place in kids 3 - 15 years old. Branden was eight when he got FIRES. The seizures caused by FIRES are destructive, and cause damage to various parts of the brain. As if that were not enough to deal with, Renee has had CPS called on her recently for giving her child 100% totally legal hemp seed oil, and being a vocal activist for medical cannabis here in Florida. She has not done anything wrong, yet this is the harassment she has to deal with. Still through all of this she is like a fierce lioness protecting her cubs that will not stop until she changes the law in order to save her son. - Federal Jack


Sierra Riddle, Moriah Barnhart, and Renee H. Petro met in Florida, along with other parents of critically ill children. These parents out of time, with their medication in tow, joined together to address some of the major concerns with regards to raising awareness and education in light of the upcoming legislation initiatives. The group's effort focuses on demonstrating the safety of cannabis extract medicine and raising awareness of the efficacy of medical marijuana for pediatric patients. - LadyBud

These 3 moms dedicate their time to a Facebook page that presents articles and feed back on curing their children with Cannabis Oil. Three mothers are throwing all of their efforts into helping their children, the medical marijuana ballot measure, and those seeking guidance. "I think we all have something in common that we never imaged, that we have a sick child," said Renee Petro. Petro, along with Moriah Barnhart and Jacel Delgadillo have formed a group called CannaMoms, a play off the word cannabis, with a very serious effort to campaign for the legalization of medical marijuana. - 10 News, Tampa Florida

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