If you can not get your MMAR signed ..what are your suggestions


New Member
It is not that I do not have a good case..even my Family Dr would sign..but cause I am a catagory two..
He can not unless he can quick produce a specialist that is recognized by HC ..he did try ..it was returned the Pysch that I have been seeing is not quote a specialist..but his speciality practice is pain , trauma, ptsd..go figure.
I do not have the funds to do the skype Dr or the ability to travel a great distance.
I have an appt tomorrow..but figure I am stroking upstream without a paddle, so to speak.

So what does one do. I have about a month I am legal..then what.
Do I destroy all growing plants..stuff. I will be 60 years old so not the rebel type anymore.
Funny was trying to make the front garden look neat and pull the few weeds and just about fell over...

It future does not look the way I felt it should ,but I have been through an abusive partner, now a husband that went to a nursing home as he has dementia and threatned to kill me as he heard voices.
So I will get through this ..
But now on the paranoid side and my anxiety is upgraded.

I dont know why this should be so hard...since when the dr is signing the mmar he is basically saying he is the Dr that will follow you and your care.
That is why with my mulititude of other probs..dont feel it is right for a skype dr ..I pay a huge fee too..and what if his signature is deemed not acceptable...then I am out both ways..
Money that I did not have and hope..
My own GP is for my use of MJ.

any other herbs that relieve pain..other than MJ
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