How do I Deal with Bears?

Smokin Moose

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex Moderator
Perhaps one of the greatest challenges that face the outdoor grower is the threat of bears. Not only is the bear a threat to your plants, but the bear is certainly a threat to you as well. Lets first start off with a little information on bears.

Although bears are primarily nocturnal, they may be seen at any time, day or night. The bear is territorial and usually occupies an area that is 20-25 square kilometers. This means that if you have a bear damaging your grow bags and digging up your plants time after time, chances are it is the same bear. Don't let a bear's appearance fool you though, they can weigh between 200 and 600 pounds, be from four to seven feet tall, yet they can run as fast as 50 km/h. The Black Bear is omnivorous which means that it eats both vegetation and meat, however their diet usually consists of leaves, nuts, and fruit.

Why are bears attracted to my plot? Repellants?
Bears are not really attracted to your plants like deer, but rather to the organic nutrients that you put into the soil to feed your plants. Bears have an incredible sense of smell, and will follow odors for kilometers. They are especially attracted to bone and blood meal, common ingredients used for growing marijuana. Bears are also attracted to manures, fish (fish emulsion), and composts that are used when preparing the soil for planting. Commercial composts are comprised of food and organic waste, cow manure is high in fiber and fats - exactly what a bear is looking for.

When using organic nutrients outdoors, consider using lime; not only does it stabilize pH, it also masks smells.

Another natural repellent for bears is chicken manure. Dried and composted chicken manure is a great nutrient additive for your plants, so spread the manure liberally to repel bears and it will repay you with nutrients later. After using chicken manure at my grow area, along with lime, I've never had a bear problem.

Protecting yourself
If you encounter a bear in the forest, stay calm and do not run. Running may elicit a chase response by the bear. The best available advice is to stand your ground. Stand tall, raise your arms and lift objects over your head to make yourself appear larger.

If a bear stands up when encountered, this does not indicate he is going to attack. Most likely the bear is curious and wants a better view or to sniff the air. Back away slowly, and leave the bear an escape route so he does not feel threatened. I have read that the bear feels threatened if he chomps his jaw, lunges, or slaps the ground with his paw.

An air horn can be effective when hiking in the forest. If you encounter a bear, simply shoot off a blast which will, in most cases, make the bear run away. Another item that you may choose to carry is a 5% capsaicin spray repellent which can be sprayed into a bear's eyes, causing it to retreat.

Bear attacks on humans are very rare. Bears have been known to be aggressive when cubs are present, yet rarely attack humans. There are only two recorded human deaths as a result from an attack from a Black Bear, ever.

Hopefully this will help you when dealing with bears in the wild, and good luck to you!
Its different for different bears - you dont treat a grizzly like a black bear :) Thanks for the repelling info - I am doing a retreat for a week and want to put up some defenses :) hehe
I know my bear doesn't mind lime he keeps coming back to my compost!
He's only getting to the bottom where its too far decomposed to eat but still he comes back to make a *#*kin mess! One day caught SOB in the act and threw some bottle rockets at it and he/she still comes back. I have some more ideas but...not good for bear! lol
.458 Winchester Magnum. Bear's vitals are heavily protected.
Bernice Adolph, 72-year old woman - June, 2011 (black bear)
Brent Kandra, 24-year old man - August, 2010 (black bear)
Kelly Ann Walz, 37-year old woman - October, 2009 (black bear)
Donna Munson, 74-year old woman - August, 2009 (black bear)
Cecile Lavoie, 70-year old woman - May , 2008 (black bear)
Robin Kochorek, 31-year old woman - July, 2007 (black bear)
Samuel Evan Ives, 11-year old boy - June, 2007 (black bear)
Elora Petrasek, 6-year old girl - April, 2006 (black bear)
Jacqueline Perry, 30-year old woman - September, 2005 (black bear)
Harvey Robinson, 69-year old man - August, 2005 (black bear)
Merlyn Carter, 71-year old man - June 14, 2005 (black bear)
Maurice Malenfant, 77-year old man - September, 2002 (black bear)
Christopher Bayduza, 31, man - September, 2002 (black bear)
Ester Schwimmer, 5-month old girl - August, 2002 (black bear)
Adelia Maestras Trujillo, 93-year old woman - August, 2001 (black bear)
Kyle Harry, 18-year old man - June 3, 2001 (black bear)
Mary Beth Miller, 24-year old woman - July, 2000 (black bear)
Glenda Ann Bradley, 50-year old woman - May, 2000 (black bear)

Those are just the documented and confirmed cases of fatal black bear vs. human attacks 2000-present in North America. There's also a fair-sized list of brown bear human kills. And as you add years, the list grows substantially (and also includes a few polar bear human kills). Note that this list only covers KILLS - I have not listed the people that were injured during the above attacks (there were several, including a man who was seriously injured trying unsuccessfully to protect his wife from a bear attack... with a Swiss Army knife).

Although in the greater scheme of things, fatal bear encounters are quite unlikely, they can and DO happen. Those who venture into areas where bear live should be aware of this and be prepared beforehand.
I didnt post that to start, look back a few before my first. I was disagreeing with him too. I was thinking of looking up fatal blackbear attacks to list here as you did. oh thanks for doing it so I didnt have to.
I couldnt understand where he was getting it from he lists no source, just words.

Oh, wow. My apologies. Paying more attention the second time through I noticed the quotation marks around all of the text except for the first line.

I'll edit my post significantly.

And EDIT this one, lol: Thank you, Chronic Don, for not blowing your top when I misunderstood your post. +REPs!
One of the bear recipes that I posted the other day in the food forum made special mention of the fact that the fat turns rancid extremely fast and that you should remove as much as possible ASAP.

It's been so long since I ate it, the only thing I remember through the years was that he stirred two kinds of cheese and fresh onions into the mashed potatoes and wondering whether or not he served bear to tacitly state that he had no trouble killing large animals (as I was sleeping with his daughter at the time).
I heard that if you just chop 'em up with an axe, the hogs don't care whether you skin them or not.

But I guess that doesn't say anything about bears, lol.
so whats that you feed to the hogs? not bears? LOL and its pigs that that doesn't say anything about.

I hear that a bear hung up and skinned looks just like a man hanging there. never seen but I can imagine it.

Err... I guess you aren't blessed(?lol?) with my variety of a sense of humor. I live in a somewhat rural area that borders areas that make the setting from the movie Deliverence look like downtown Chicago in comparison. Back in prohibition days, there were a number of "agents" that went into the hollows... and never came out again. The consensus was that the hogs got fed extra-well. I believe it - my great-grandmother was a bootlegger, so not all of the stories I heard were unsubstantiated rumors (and she's been safely in the ground for decades, so I guess it's ok to mention it now, lol).

I couldn't speak about any present-day swine dietary habits, of course. But the 'shiners still in the hills haven't been heard complaining;).
It's been so long since I ate it, the only thing I remember through the years was that he stirred two kinds of cheese and fresh onions into the mashed potatoes and wondering whether or not he served bear to tacitly state that he had no trouble killing large animals (as I was sleeping with his daughter at the time).

lol! ^_^ Damn... well, you're still breathing, so I guess it didn't end too badly... How was the bear meal?
well, you're still breathing, so I guess it didn't end too badly...

Turned out that I wasn't the wild one (in that particular relationship). Ended up being looked at as a "stabilizing" influence. Which wasn't exactly true...

How was the bear meal?

Spicy and chewy, if I remember correctly (and I may not have, since there was some kind of liquor - that came in a half-gallon bottle? - involved). But I got the impression that it wasn't exactly a regular item, so it was probably either the cook or his lack of specific bear-cooking experience.
Laughing, Great advice on the chicken crap, gotta try it. Got a bigger problem with deer getting the munchies around here, The bears seem to be more interested in my burn barrel.
Give em a quarterback with the last name Hanie and it will end there season fast!!! lol....j/k.....this one is for all my chicago bears fans!!
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