Cannabis Food Experimentation


420 Member
Hi all.

I have noticed over the last few days, that a lot of people are asking about how to use cannabutter in recipes. I am an x chef, so food ideas come more easily to me than they do the average person. This is only because I have learnt over the years what foods and flavours go well together. So please allow me to share some of my ideas with you, with the intention that you will reach beyond the idea of using just cannabutter in cakes or brownies.

When cooking cakes or muffins the amount of butter used is usually about 50gms. If you have not had the bud/kiff to make strong butter, what else can you do to give yourself an extra lift without consuming more cake? I have learnt that hot sauces go well with cake, brownies or muffins. if you use 50mls of Cointreau, 200gms of chocolate (melted) and 50gms of cannabutter and a splash of cream, this will enhance the flavour of the cake, and delight your taste buds as well. (Don't blame me if your belt size increases). Another sauce that is popular during the winter months is butterscotch sauce. Mix equal amounts of butter and golden syrup together to make the sauce. This enables normal recipes to be used to make the desert and the butterscotch drowns our the taste of cannabis. Butter melted at a low temperature in white wine is a really nice sauce on fish fillets. Ok to use red wine and cover the green look.

I have found that making CannaGhee is better than butter as I can take it to a higher cooking temperature than what I can take butter when cooking. Ghee is made when you melt the butter and the milk solid and salts are at the bottom. Just drain of the Ghee and toss away the milky reside that is at the bottom of your container. You then steep your cannabis in the ghee for about 3 hours, on a temperature below 121C or you will cook off most of the THC. Higher temperatures = less THC and crappy tasting butter/Ghee.
Ghee can be used for frying foods like poultry or seafood. Indian cuisine uses ghee a lot. Pick up any cook book and take a look at the sauce section. French cooking uses butter a lot in the recipes. Things like pepper sauce for steak can have canna butter added to enhance the flavours. Different foods that go well with cannabis are; Most Roast Meats, Bacon, Mushrooms, Stuffed Peppers, (Fried Cabbage, Bacon and Cannabis cooked in butter and sprinkle with roasted almonds), Brussel Sprouts, Chocolate, liquorice (aniseed), Roasted Pears and Most nuts. The possibilities are endless and it's making me hungry just thinking about it.

Good luck and I hope this helps you to look beyond cakes or brownies.
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