Making A Tincture


New Member
Im interested making a MMJ tincture,have been told a slow cooker is a good method any suggestions/recipe,
I planned on using Everclear if needed.
Thanks Pat
Cold-Extract Glycerin extracts are delicious, since the absense of heat transfers all the terps to make for a tasy tinture. The downside is that cold-extracts take a long time since heat isn't introduced to speed the process. You can use Hot-Extract glycerin, or like you were planning you can make an alcohol tincture with everclear.

Here is a recipe from the Cannabis Chef

Make sure you Decarb your weed in the oven before you make a tincture. If you do not decarb since heat is not introduced, such as lighting a bowl, the THCA doesn't convert to THC, it will therefore not be psychoactive. Good luck!

Soak the cannabis powder in water for 12 hours to remove any water-soluble impurities.
Drain excess water.
Put cannabis powder in an airtight container such as a mason jar.
Pour alcohol over cannabis.
Store in a cool dark place for at least 10 days. The longer the better.
Shake the container several times a day.
Filter through a strainer to remove solid particles. Repeat as necessary.
Since I do not want, nor enjoy, the THC high, I do not decarb before starting a tincture. I brew for pain relief and a good-night's sleep.

I do it the old-fashioned (safest) way: place fresh or dried fan leaves, trim/shake, and/or buds in a tinted quart mason jar and cover with 80 proof vodka. I buy the least expensive brand I can find at the big-box store, but I have heard you can use rum or any other flavored alcohol that is at least 80 proof. Cover tightly.

Some of us like to start the brew at the dark moon, to take advantage of the natural drawing power of the moon as it becomes full. Put the brew in a cool, dark place, like a lower cabinet, for at least 30 days. You can even put the jar in the the back of the fridge, but make sure the jar is tinted or covered to eliminate light. The alcohol extracts the medicine from the plant material. Light breaks down the chemicals and may give you a result you don't want.

Recipe amounts: You just have to experiment to find what combination works for you. Each batch will be different.

At the end of the brewing period, the trics have dissolved and you have an infusion of alcohol containing all the natural plant chemicals, that work together to improve your health. How psychoactive (or not) the brew is, depends on a number of factors.

* The parts of the plant you used. Leaf material will have much less THC, but all the chemicals are present in immature form.)
* The maturity of the trics on the sugar leaves and buds, if used
* The potency of the alcohol or oil you used to dissolve the chemicals
* Your alcohol tolerance level

At the end of brewing you have a few choices. You can strain the mixture of all plant matter. You can use a metal sieve and strain just the larger particles and leave the fine sediment, or you can leave most of the plant matter in, scooping out jut the large pieces with a fork.

If you are into refinement, choose a safe method to slowly reduce the alcohol to an oil.

You can also drink it as-is, with flavorings or fruit juices added, if the alcohol is too strong for you. You may even dilute it with water or use a chaser of your choice. This may be the easiest way to use the tincture, as there is no more processing needed.

KEEP REFRIGERATED and shake well before use.

I have gotten a very good night-time medicine from just the fan leaves that I have trimmed during the entire grow. Waste not, want not. It is a sleepy high, so plan a drink for bedtime or before your mid-afternoon nap. My dose is a couple of swallows right out of the jar, followed by a juice or diet coke chaser, since I don't like the alcohol after taste.
I have read it can be decarbed in about 45 min at 250 F in the oven. We're not cooking it, just forcing the THC-A to degrade into THC. Don't microwave it, as that destroys the THC. Oh, and no need to preheat the oven. Just put the MMJ on a cookie sheet, put it in the oven, then turn on the heat to the lowest it will go.
The problem with my brewed tinctures is that I am not a drinker and I don't like the way the vodka or the rum burn through the sinuses and throat, so I can't take a breath till I chase it down with a fruity drink.

Hey, don't laugh at an old lady! I'm really looking for some way to USE this tincture in a way that will preserve all the cannibinoids, without making me high. The last time I tried to cook a tincture down, I ended up with black rings around the crockpot and nothing left at the bottom. And this was in a mini-crockpot set on warm. A whole ounce of shake wasted. :-(

Is it possible to cook off most of the alcohol, or should I just mix the tincture in a water or fruit juice to get it down, like a mixed drink?

I just bought a bottle of Bacardi 171, and I don't want it to go to waste. It's damned expensive!

Any suggestions?
I use the Rick Simpson method to produce a concentrated oil extract. I use 200 proof alcohol from KleenXtract rather than Naphtha but I have also used everclear. Very important to use coffee filter to filter your cannabis infused alcohol otherwise you are liable to end up with a muddy product rather than oil. For low strength tincture I will add about 0.5ml of pure cannabis oil per 30ml of MCT oil or olive oil if you prefer on heat at about 185 F degrees and stir until mixed well. Pour into dropper bottle. You can also add essential oils or candy flavoring to flavor it but I don't think the natural flavor is that bad.
I use the Rick Simpson method to produce a concentrated oil extract. I use 200 proof alcohol from KleenXtract rather than Naphtha but I have also used everclear. Very important to use coffee filter to filter your cannabis infused alcohol otherwise you are liable to end up with a muddy product rather than oil. For low strength tincture I will add about 0.5ml of pure cannabis oil per 30ml of MCT oil or olive oil if you prefer on heat at about 185 F degrees and stir until mixed well. Pour into dropper bottle. You can also add essential oils or candy flavoring to flavor it but I don't think the natural flavor is that bad.

What is MCT? I hope MCT is good, cause I don't like olive oil.

Also, is it so bad to leave the fine sediment in the brew? I don't filter that fine. (I call it brew because I don't cook it down). I would think it contains other healthy cannabinoids. I have had no problem with giving my brew a good shake to mix the sediment before dispensing and mixing into an MJ cocktail of vodka and cola. Just looking for an opinion here.

MCT is a refined coconut oil. My opinion is that its better than olive oil.

If you are not cooking it all the way down and you are mixing cocktails with it I suppose it does not matter if you don't filter the sediment. However, If you are cooking it down, I absolutely recommend removing the sediment otherwise it will become difficult to work with because it absorbs all of the oil and now you are working with a solid rather than liquid.

I do not know what if any benefits the sediment holds.
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