Shock - real - on seedlings


New Member
Hey guys,

I have sprouted 2 autos 8 days ago, one northern delight, the other one sweet dwarf (purchased from Herbie's, totally recommending it !!!!), in little containers with coco coir. Little babies have been growing pretty well, under a mix of sunshine (inside) and 200w cfl at night with 4 hours of darkness. they are probably 2 inches tall and developing a second set of tiny leaves

However, yesterday, i literally dropped the ball and the 2 containers on the floor. coco coir everywhere so i had to do an emergency transplant in coco pot with black gold soil. Since there has been some shock for the seedlings, i just wanted to know what to expect in the coming days, brutal death or slow growth while they develop their roots or anything else ?
thanks !
Could go either way really. Hope for the best, but expect to have to pop some more seeds.
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