Need help


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I have a sativa strain about a little over 2 and a half months old and over two feet tall. About two weeks ago the leaves started downward canoeing and shortly after it started to look like this. I keep the same routine I have throughout it's life and tried changing it to see if it made a difference. It seems the plants looks better when sleeping in the dark. It has been in flower stage for about a month now. Please help me.
If I take closer photos you would be able to see the hairs all over the plant. The light schedule is 14/10 dark/light. The leaves are wet because I gave it a light watering followed by spraying a mist over the leaves. It was the first watering in a week because I thought over watering. I use ph perfect-technologies. Bloom, Micro, Grow. Use as directed. My soil is nothing special. It is mixed with permits for easy drainage. No fertilizer in the soil
May I ask why you are not using 12/12 lighting schedule? Also what type of lights are you using? I agree that it does appear to be over watering, good call rhetorrikz. Do you have any pics of her in her room? Have you considered starting a journal? it is a great way to track you entire grow and look back on and learn from. It is also very useful for others to assist you, they can go through your journal and maybe pick up on something you are doing or not doing.
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