Newbie from UK


New Member
Hi I am very new to if you like as I have not even dabbled with marijuana but have friends who do and or have
I am currently trying to help my brother who is pretty far gone with his liver cancer mets from lung
Current situation is that his liver is very weak and can't take too much by way of medication
Very weak....not really eating well and resistant to most things
I am looking for advice on where to start?
Smoke it to get him going?
Vape it to get him into it?
I'm going to try and make the oil this weekend having read into most guidance on the forum..have a friend is going to get me some bud....hey I'll do anything to help my bro...
If anyone can get me on the right track I'd appreciate the advice

Hi Zx9r

Cajuncelt is one of our expert members on this area. Post on his thread and I'm sure he can advise you:

A Base Treatment Regimen for Cancer

Please remember that our thousands of members operate in different time zones and it might take a day to get a response from someone with relevant advice. I have posted this link for you on all your threads.

Good luck.
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