Kamy's Second Grow! Lowryder #2 Seeds - Noob Grower


New Member
Hello guys ! welcome to my second grow , well actualy this is still my first grow , my first grow is still in progress , i will just add more seeds to the grow room , since i have a way better grow space now i can handle the 6 plants with no problem , especialy since lowryder's are always small ;)

What strain is it? Joint Doctor's Lowryder#2 Regular

Is it in Veg or Flower Stage? Its still In the paple towel at the moment , but is going to start veging soon i promisse :)

Indoor or Outdoor? Indoor

Hydro or Soil? Regular poting Soil nothing mixed with it

Size Pot : Two litter bottle

Size of Light 2 50 watt CLF 1 32 Watt CFL and one 12 watt CLF (yelow light spectrum)

Is it aircooled? Yes, has a Regular sized Cooling Fan , And some holes to intake / out take air

Temp of room : ~ 68 F

PH of media : Still unknown (arround 6.5 i belive)

Any pests? None at the moment

How often are you watering? every 2 days

Type of Ferts : Plagron Grow and Plagorn Bloom

My Grow Space is a closet with the measures :

55 inch Tall

20 inch deep

51 inch wide

I will post some pics when the seedlings sprout ;)

Re: Kamy's Second Grow ! Lowryder #2 Seeds (noob Grower)

Sounds good to me, you know I am in. Any info on the lowerider strain? Is it easy to grow? What are other characteristics to it other than being a small plant? I am asking because for reference when I get my next beans.
Re: Kamy's Second Grow ! Lowryder #2 Seeds (noob Grower)

Lowryder 2 is the long-awaited successor to the Joint Doctor’s flagship strain. Lowryder #2 is the newest product of the breeder’s quest to improve the strength, yield and flavour of his original variety while maintaining the unusual characteristics that made it so popular.

Lowryder #2 has been infused with superior Santa Maria genetics, a variety known for copious resin production, exotic taste and soaring highs, it is an indica/sativa hybrid originally from Brazil. The cross was subsequently selectively inbred for three generations.

The result is an auto-flowering dwarf that yields a wonderfully strong, head-turning smoke with intoxicating taste. The strength and flavor is backed by copious resin production and much-improved yield and stability. Buds are larger, tighter and more aromatic than the original Lowryder.

As with Original Lowryder, no separate room or light cycle is needed to flower Lowryder #2. Outdoors, Lowryder #2 will mature quicker than any non-auto-flowering variety.

Bushy, very early flowering plants with prolific budding.

Indoor/ Outdoor
TYPE Predominantly Indica

FLOWERING TIME Less than 6 weeks
HARVEST 9 weeks from seed
YIELD Fast yielding dwarf
Re: Kamy's Second Grow ! Lowryder #2 Seeds (noob Grower)

i was getting a little worried , this lowryder's are fomous for such fast growing specimens and after two days they still havent poped off the shells yet ... but then i read an article sayin that theirs shells are prety thick and that somtimes they have a hard time breaking them , so i gess we will need to wait a little longer :/
Re: Kamy's Second Grow ! Lowryder #2 Seeds (noob Grower)

the seeds havent craked the sheels yet , i belive they have a very thick shell , im using the wet paper towel method to germinate them

Next time soak your seed in ph'ed water for 24 hours...they will float at first but then sink...then put seed into soil...not too deep...less than half a inch..mine sprouted in 2 days...
Re: Kamy's Second Grow ! Lowryder #2 Seeds (noob Grower)

yeah thats a way to do it miwa :) i usualy do the papper towel method , dont know if it is very good , but truth be told its easy and i like to keep it simple , and my prevous seeds sprouted 100% , maybe just takes a little longer , and my house is realy cold too , im sure thats not somthing that speeds up the process xD
Re: Kamy's Second Grow ! Lowryder #2 Seeds (noob Grower)

yeah thats a way to do it miwa :) i usualy do the papper towel method , dont know if it is very good , but truth be told its easy and i like to keep it simple , and my prevous seeds sprouted 100% , maybe just takes a little longer , and my house is realy cold too , im sure thats not somthing that speeds up the process xD

When i started this joun...i germ 3 seeds in towel..put 1 in glass of water..seeds in towel grew tails in 2 days...put all seeds in soil..seed in glass came up in 2 days...seeds in towel never came up...i could have planted too deep..don't know...i used tweezers to transport seed...
Re: Kamy's Second Grow ! Lowryder #2 Seeds (noob Grower)

I find even with my room temp spot on they still crack/grow faster with the extra heat coming from the bottom. I have had some strains take 3 days or so to crack. Just make sure the towel it damp at all times. Try putting the folded towle on a plate and cover with another similar plate, then place this on top of a heat mat or cable box.
Did you just get the beans or have they been stored??
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