Residency Laws


New Member
I am wondering if the laws are different per state on the ability to see a MMD to obtain medical card and does your personal doctor have to give recomendation or do you just need your medical records?
As to the first question here is an example: If living in a state NOT legal, in order to get medical card and medical cannabis do you have to have a permanent Residence in a Legal State? and how long must you show proof of residencey? Will you have to obtain a Primary Doctor in that state as well before applying?

I guess I want to know, Exactly what it takes for a person in a NON legal state to get approved in a legal state with understanding of the laws where it is NOT llegal. Must Residence be established first?

I am ready to do just about anything to get better medical care. I am so worried about the medication I am currently on and how long it will be available for me, as well as Knowing I will have to detox of some sort being it is narcotics. I am so tired of the pain and the degrading attitudes along with simply No one to care if you suffer or not. 15 plus years of chronic debilatating pain , test pig, discrimanating doctors/society. I should no longer have to prove myself to doctors, etc... Shoot if I could even get 1 doctor to listen as a whole , might even be able to get better care! but nope 1 problem per visit so basically defeats the purpose when only 1 of 4 problems get treated.
in mass they say you need a raletionship with your doctor, i think you must be a resident of the state as if your state you live is not a medical state it still be agenst the law for you too have,, same if you where to leave a state with medical and land in a state with out your responsalbe for the charge...

as for getting residence,, most times then not 30 days is residency 6 month is deffnty like you would need to change your drivers lic in mass after 6 months of living in the state,,

as your pain i feel you ,, in the same boat its alomst like no one belives you to the point your ready to give up,, taking any pills IMO is bad for you.. so if you your taking narcodic pills they cant be good for you... never got how haroncan be soo illeagl but yet 90% of pills are based of the same thory, but yet pot is so bad.. with medical weed i take 12 13 pills makes me a zombie yeah no pain and everything is controled but at what cost too my health where with weed i can take no pills and have the same efficts with out the zombie,,, doctors are dicks
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