Help! Lockout/toxicity or?


New Member
Hi everybody! First off, im extremely new, and timid to posting after bad experiences elsewhere online.

Basically, I have 2 plants in bloom right now, week 2 i believe and while one plant (Timewreck) is just killing right now, my Euforia in the same conditions is showing mean signs of toxicity or a lockout. I need help with this issue please.

10 gal grow bags with Better Urban Dirt as my medium (organic soils and organic supersoils)

Mh ph hovers around 6.9-7.1 This leads me to think im suffering from a Mn or Fe def, however the transplant into the 10 gal bag was done the same day as flip opening up the possibility of the root structure seeking deeper soils too quick and possibly burning herself in the rich supersoil base at the bottom??

I feed with dechlorinated tap water ph'd down. :thanks

Looks like a pH problem is causing the lockout. And don't be afraid to ask questions here, the people here are really friendly and love to help, not like the other sites where they bash you and call you stupid.
Re: Halp! Lockout/toxicity or??

Thanks fellas is there a familiar preferred method to lower ph safely in organic soils? I guess I can google that eh? Reply if you like!

Edit: other than heavily ph downing my water ofc! I dont mind doing that, I am just wondering if there is a "ph hack" or simpler solution
Wish I had an answer for that, but I've never done soil grows. Straight perlite hempy buckets for me. Gonna switch to a stumped hybrid hempy someday soon. Still working on the name...
Yes, you can do it with vinegar or lemon water. That's the simplest solution. You can also use lactobacillus acidophilus, which it takes 4-5 days to make from a scratch.
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