420 Sponsor: Dutch Passion

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Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor, Dutch Passion, to our mission of spreading Cannabis awareness to the world.

Dutch Passion are one of the world’s oldest cannabis seedbanks and one of the few remaining original seed companies. They began their work in the 1970’s and were formally established as a seedbank in 1987.

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Their success has been built on 3 important principles.

Firstly, they collect and breed the best cannabis genetics to allow the self-sufficient cannabis grower the chance to grow the very best quality cannabis for themselves.

Secondly, they continue to pioneer innovation. They invented feminized seed in the 1990’s and more recently they have set the highest standards with feminized autoflowering seeds. Dutch Passion has never been afraid to overturn conventional thinking in order to offer better seeds.

Thirdly, they offer their customers the best levels of customer service. They have remained in business over several decades by providing seeds of the highest quality and reliability and have millions of satisfied customers. If for any reason at all you are not satisfied with their seeds then contact them and they will make things right.

Dutch Passion’s seed collection has never been stronger than it is today. They remain the first choice seed supplier to many recreational and medical cannabis growers because of their focus on quality seeds and their safe and trustworthy customer service.

Everything they do, and all of their research, is focussed to make it easier and more convenient for the home-grower to produce championship quality cannabis themselves. This focus was behind Dutch Passion’s success in the first few decades and will remain the same in the coming decades. If you haven’t tried Dutch Passion cannabis seeds before, they invite you to browse their collection. 

Welcome to the extraordinary world of Dutch Passion.

Passion #1 Dutch Passion
Auto Blackberry Kush Dutch Passion
Power Plant Dutch Passion
Frisian Dew Dutch Passion


Molensingel 71
6229PC Maastricht
The Netherlands

Telephone: 0031-(0)43-321-58-48

Email: Via Website

Website: Dutch Passion

For 420 Magazine to continue offering our free service we rely on like-minded sponsors such as Dutch Passion, to whom we are truly grateful. Please support our Mission by supporting them. Our sponsors make 420 Magazine possible.

banner Dutch Passion