420 Sponsor: Speedee Trim

corded-sabertooth Speedee Trim

Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor Speedee Trim to our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world.

420 Magazine exists so that you can fully appreciate the cannabis plant and interact with thousands of like-minded individuals around the world, sharing and gaining knowledge with us in our endeavor to end prohibition. We would not be able to continue operating this complicated website without the valued support of sponsors such as Speedee Trim and we ask that you also help our mission by supporting the sponsors who make this possible.

banner Speedee Trim

Until now, growers didn’t have any quality alternatives for automated trimming.

All the large scale trimming machines operate under the same principle of either rolling, bouncing, or dragging your flowers across a rotating or oscillating blade that tends to remove more trichomes than leaf material. No trimmer manufacturer has ever adequately addressed the need for a trimmer that can accurately remove water leaves and stems while at the same time having the ability to volume trim the bulk of the flower.

Unlike any of the other trimmers, Speedee Trim’s custom angled teeth at the blade tip allow you to get into the tight spots on your plants removing only what you want to take off while leaving the surrounding foliage intact providing you with a finished trim identical to that of scissors. Also, the main body of the blade can be used for volume trimming the sides of the flower in a fraction of the time. No other automated trimmer on the market at any price has the versatility and multiple manicuring functions as the Speedee Trim.

Speedee Trim
Speedee Trim
Speedee Trim
Speedee Trim



Speedee Trim Inc
P.O. BOX 411663
San Francisco CA 94141

Phone: 415-866-0117

Email: Speedee Trim

Thank you Speedee Trim for your support in our mission. We are truly grateful!

420 Magazine®
Creating Cannabis Awareness Since 1993

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