

Acai-berry x Gelato @ day 37
All plants supercropped early & all branches topped after 4th nodes. Lots of buds coming up.
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Reactions: budnoob3
Looking good, slightly over on something but great nonetheless!
@budnoob3 "Looking good, slightly over on something but great nonetheless!" Thanks. I agree they are mostly looking good, except, you are 100% correct on the over nutrients. Last water change I followed the instructions on the nutrient bottles for "aggressive feeding" and the PPM's were at around 1200 @ I didn't have anymore good water to dilute my 50 gallon system with. So, I got to watch em burn a little (especially the Acai-Berry X Gelato). I will be swapping out the entire water (4 buckets and 1 external reservoir) system this coming weekend and will start off way off their suggested amount of product. I hopefully learned a valuable lesson and the plants will never receive that amount of a hit again.
At least with hydro you can quickly adjust and recover, haven’t done hydro in a while but when I did I was told to start at 1/2 recommended and adjust accordingly which worked pretty well at least in my case. Can’t wait to see the buds :)
At least with hydro you can quickly adjust and recover, haven’t done hydro in a while but when I did I was told to start at 1/2 recommended and adjust accordingly which worked pretty well at least in my case. Can’t wait to see the buds :)
Yeah, you should be able to dilute & recover, but my tap water at my house comes out & 800ppm from the start. Horrible hard water. I'll try 1/2 strength next time. Adding anything per gallon x 50 Gallons = alot of nutrients. As to buds I'm hoping to have a lot of smaller diameter buds that aren't as susceptible to bud rot. Hopefully.

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