2014-06-06 Sick Plants

2014-06-06 Sick Plants

What's wrong with my babies?
These 2 seedlings from unknown freebie Nirvana seeds were transplanted to FFOF in 1 ltr AirPots on 5/17/2014. All I've done is give them some D-H20 ph 6.4 whenever they looked thirsty. They are growing under a 180 watt Intelligent-Gro UFO LED. The light is about above the top of the tallest plant. Temp in the closet is 75-79 and the RH stays 65%-70%. I've got a fan blowing across the tops of the plants. I moved them closer to the light 3 nights ago. Yesterday they looked a little distressed so I moved them back to last night. These pics were taken around noon today. About an hour ago I mixed up a very light FF Grow Big cocktail and fed them for the first time. I would sure appreciate any advice and help.
Your rooms environment conditions seems spot on. I think that cocktail of FF will do them justice. Watch them for the next two-three days, make sure to document the new growth and old lower growth and we will be able to note changes and narrow down our list. When did you first start noticing the issue? Two things that I can spot that may be an issue from the infomation provided above (that I have seen in past grows) With LED you are going to want a decent distance away from the plants due to the intesnsity of the focused LEDs; too close can create a burn or bleeching. Make sure your fan is not on too high to where it is beating the fan leaves, I have found a strong constant gust to create burnt looking growth.
And to wrap it up, try watering with 6.8pH every now and then also. There is a nutrient uptake chart floating around here that shows what nutrients are available at the certain pH levels. I used to water with 6.5pH continuously and would begin to see burnt growth similar to what you have pictured. When I made these changes things started to produce and perform alot better. Hope some of this early morning jibber-jabber helps the issue Maggie! Feel free to hit my thread or PM me with any questions and I will be sure to try my best to help
I think your assessment is spot on, CA. I was wondering about the fan blowing too hard on them. Check out comments made before seeing what you've written here. I'll be making adjustments with the light and fan in a few minutes. We'll see what they look like in a day or two. Thanks!

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