

Bucket Cloner
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Assuming this is a bubble cloner. I had one geno wouldn't clone in aero cloner , wouldn't clone in coco so grabbed a 2.5 gal bucket drilled 7 2inch holes( should have done a but smaller) put little 2 Inch baskets and 2 neoprene collars. Drilled a air line hole 15 mins total costs 0 dollars had everything. But if u were to do urself under 20 bux
Assuming this is a bubble cloner. I had one geno wouldn't clone in aero cloner , wouldn't clone in coco so grabbed a 2.5 gal bucket drilled 7 2inch holes( should have done a but smaller) put little 2 Inch baskets and 2 neoprene collars. Drilled a air line hole 15 mins total costs 0 dollars had everything. But if u were to do urself under 20 bux
Not a bubble cloner, this is aero.
Did u build urself? I did one my self with a storage tote. Only put 16 sites but thing would require like 15 20 gal, im not exactly sure and took up alot of space so if I were to use it I would either add sites or if I can turn the 16 in to say 8 or 4 then run possibly full term or atleast thru veg and switch to dwc or a light medium since it's used to being in nothing. But a friend gave me a 25 site king cloner, think it takes 2gal and only takes up like 1 cubic ft. Thinking it was much different then one I built only thing different was site and site count. For aero as long as ur not buying like a name brand name or like 200 sites they are fairly cheap id probably buy if I ever needed another vs build or rebuild the one I have . But on a plus note to save u water u can fit 7 2 inch cups on a lowes 2.5 gal bucket save space use half the water and half if any solution u use. Side note since I drilled 2 inch holes with a hole bit I needed those same baskets, I prefer like the king cloner to have gone down an 1/8 of an inch because not sure if ur a soil or hydro guy soon as those root buds develope they explode. So I just don't like them getting tangled in the basket if I were to use the bubbler I made id still use the lipped ring cut the bottom off and just use the neoprene collars. One thing I didn't like about the king cloner they are 1 inch sites not much space between them.
Lol right now I was using it to hang a lamp because I needed head space in smaller one so took off the wires, anyways u can see i should add way more sites or reduce. And thr tote I have 2 of them this one was smaller 27 gal tote but I just use it for dehumidifier, spent the extra 40 bucks for the portable whole house dehueys with pump so not emptying it pumps in the tote where I have stones and to conserve water I have a pump with 3/4ID hose and water comes out almost the same as my R.O.. RO comes out at .02 EC or 0 ppms dehuey and actually AC run off at .04 EC still doesn't register on ppm I don't believe or might be somewhere round 17-20 ppm. One color nozzle is 360 other is 180 degrees.
Oh no I didn't see that so u did build the whole thing ya I knew it would be a problem I just had a geno that would not clone for shit. So finally I basically did same thing u did but just turned it into dwc which I think is the same as a bubbler. Never bought one. Would be curious to how one of those oxy infusers would work. Forgot their name. But they break the oxygen down to small bubbles making o2 higher.

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