Recent content by Kenneth24

  1. Kenneth24

    I am a cannabis consumer mostly tea or a type of drink manufacture in my country of origin

    This drink is a mixture of weed and cola just to keep it secret for consumption. This drink is mostly been sold in hotels and coffee shop. Only a bottle of it will get you high.
  2. Kenneth24

    I am a cannabis consumer mostly tea or a type of drink manufacture in my country of origin

    Cannabis is mostly consume through drinks and tea. Drinks like wadida, which is a mixture of weed and cola. Most people take it to their job side and business places. It's one of the best form of consuming because it leave no smell or blacken your teeths.
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  4. Kenneth24

    Why does cannabis turn your eyes red?

    The best way of consuming cannabis if taking the cannabis whiskey. It has been tested and confirmed of being the best form of cannabis for consumption. Advantages of cannabis whiskey are - No smoke to affect the eyes - You do not intoxicated your neighbors - It can be consume anywhere at anytime
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