Recent content by newbie420haze

  1. N

    2nd Closet Grow!

    Update later today !!!
  2. N

    Is One CFL Light Bulb Enough to grow a plant?

    I will be giving an update later today.
  3. N

    Is One CFL Light Bulb Enough to grow a plant?

    QUESTION: Is it possible to have a plant , start to finish in a small pot ??
  4. N

    Is One CFL Light Bulb Enough to grow a plant?

    \/ \/ \/ \/ THE 1 IN THE BIG POT !
  5. N

    2nd Closet Grow!

    QUESTION: Is it possible to have a plant grow start to finish in a small pot ??
  6. IMG_20130718_173448


    two in small pot.
  7. IMG_20130718_173436


    the midget of the 3...#3
  8. IMG_20130718_173426


  9. IMG_20130718_173411


    big pot #1
  10. N

    2nd Closet Grow!

    im continuing. , matter of fact pictures coming soon.
  11. N

    Is One CFL Light Bulb Enough to grow a plant?

    hows the temp and humidity?
  12. N

    Is One CFL Light Bulb Enough to grow a plant?

    its wet but i give it two to three days before its dry . becuz it wasnt too moist.
  13. N

    Is One CFL Light Bulb Enough to grow a plant?

    soil isnt dry like before.
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