Bruce Wheelman
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  • If ya like her's, you'd love indicated in my post, I likes my 4wheelers of Germanic lineage :p

    Also - sorry to hear about your spill...hope you heal up quickly!!
    The long ride. I had a pretty nasty spill coming off of Mt Evans earlier in the season. Have not been able to ride for the last two months!
    Thanx Happy Kitty....had a wonderful day....started with a wake-n-bake with some of my favorite herb (some fresh Blue Dream), followed by a nice LONG bike ride, and then out for dinner....couldn't think of a better way to spend the day!!
    Props on the riding! Its good to see other older fellow riders getting some seat time in!

    I think a lot of us cyclists need to be poster guys for MMJ because we are active.

    Ride on.
    Not sustained, but most of the steep part is 12%+ with a few switchbacks at 24% - the descent keep the "meat wagons" hopping - lots of guys "touch the ground" on that grade and on Monitor.
    This is at the northern most point of Hwy 4, where it intersects Hwy 89 just outside of Markleeville. The Carson River is just to the right in the photo.

    Take care....
    Just read an earlier post where you said it was the bottom of Ebbets Pass. Is that HWY 4 near Wolf Creek?
    Lucky it was only a new wheel - last time I got doored, cost me a broken collar bone and the new wheel set.
    Not me in the pict - I took it at the top of Monitor Pass last year at DeathRide - medi-evac leaving as I summitted the 2nd time. I guess the inexperienced riders kept the "meat wagons" busy in '09.

    TOC looks good - always a tough stage or 2...

    BTW - I ride a 2010 Madone - just got it as a replacement to my 2008 that got totaled in a "too near vehicle encounter"
    If that's you in the pic, what kind of Steel you got there? Also, what do you think of this years stage 6 of the TOC? Can we say "death"! It is INSANE.
    Pets just add to the fun. I "got ready for kids" by being a good and tolerant parent to a pair of Golden Retrievers. Then as we had kids, the dogs always stayed - good companions to the kids too. The cats have been a recent addition - mutual adoption of the 4.
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