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    We base ourselves with home,family,friends and job.Then there is the more
    secret inside spirit you who goes through their day always open to new and
    different experiences that we can sort through and take out pieces of
    Wisdom,spiritual aspects to add to the continuity of our lives.They add enrichment and we can pass these on to those whom we are very close
    or even strangers in hopes of spreading good vibes and positive thinking
    to those who may not have the same spiritual wisdom you do,thus coming
    almost full circle.The circle can complete because you passed on wisdom
    spiritual love and thus karma comes into the picture and you can feel good
    about yourself and those who have picked up your essence.
    that's awesome.I can't wait to read them..I love fellow writers.I posted lyrics also, don't think anyone read though
    Yes, I did. Thanks so much. I read it three times and wrote a response. Thanks for thinking of me. :hug:
    Thank you friend! Nice to mee you & sorry for the late reply, I just now am able to start sending Visitor Comments.:)
    Hi Spike!

    Thanks man I really appreciate that!

    I see you have a green thumb yourself. I hope you keep an eye out for me.

    Total Newb here!

    Have a great day.
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