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  • Hi Ms. Happy Kitty!
    My world... good enough.
    Been busy getting old, while getting more precious...
    Had my first biological grandchild, a boy - Silas by name.
    Now he is precious!
    Sending you lots of love, respect and positive energy through the universe. ॐ
    Miss seeing you around Pinch, and hope all is well. Stop by when you can, it's just not the same without you. :peace:
    high brother pinch!
    hope all is well in your world...
    sending you lots of love, respect and positive energy through the universe...;)
    Mv and I miss chatting with you. Glad to see your still here. Look forward to many more conversations with you.
    Hi Pinch,
    I saw your post. I tend to heat up and I wonder how to keep my "cool" better when I'm angry or upset with something. I can see I'm needing peace in my life. I truly admire your level headed post, and referral to Buddha. Thank you for opening my eyes...however brief that may be. I'm forever learning. - Akorn
    Hey friend.... Long time no talk to. Just wanted to wave a hand and say hello. I have been off and on for some time and going through a divorce. Thing will get better I hope. Hope all is going well with you. Its time to get back to some of the old boards that Mama didnt like. LOL have a good one

    Later Gator
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