Mr. Krip
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  • Hi there,

    I started spraying my plant a day before I flipped the light.
    I've been spraying the nodes every 4 days.

    In the last week I have noticed that flowers are starting to form, and not the pollen sacks.

    Could it be that my solution is no good?
    Should I give up, or keep spraying every four days?

    Hoping someone can help me on this as i feel a little helpless.
    Need Help. spaced out and posted some youtube songs in the wrong thread and cant delete... the one labeled SHOE HASH.
    Its OK if you just delete
    Thanks Tony.
    I was needing to know if u can switch my thread to a grow journal..I put on a thread and not journal. But keeping a grow journal with pics at home...and on thread...Hope you can get that done for me....Thanks Man
    Good day sir ..
    Couple yrs back you posted a dryer box you had made ..and pretty impressive .
    How well did it work is what I'm looking to find out for I'm in unfriendly state and wife didn't want to smell up the house and it looked as if you had all the bases covered just my concern was how well the carbon filter did and the drying time etc ..if I could get any info would be great .ive looked into the herb dryer reviews and all looked nice but just not enough space and pricey ..well anyways just looking to see how well it performed for you..thank you for your time
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    Mr. Krip
    Mr. Krip
    Great day & thanks! :thanks: If you read that full thread, the discussion came up a few times. I really call it "Odor Control" and not "Odor Elimination". Depending on the strain/terps, it didn't smell up the house but I could detect it in the room the box was in. Drying times will vary based on climate and I personally found that, for the buds to NOT dry too quickly, I seldom ran the exhaust fan which also forced less of the air through the carbon filter. :goodluck:
    Hey, Mr Krip, here's a good pic of what I'm pretty sure of an early phosphorous deficiency, thought you might like to update the "Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial" which I've found very useful.
    Did you know that nutrients can go bad? I didn't :oops:. Apparently after 2 or 3 years they start to form salts and cause a lockout. Hope somebody can benefit from my misfortune.
    Would a intake diameter of 4" and exhaust diameter of 6" be sufficient to create negative pressure ?Thanks in advance.
    Thanks for responce,newbie on a learning curve.Forgot to mention it's for a 4x4 tent.Am I right that the cfm exhaust should be 2 or 3 times the intake? Thanks again
    Mr. Krip
    Mr. Krip
    You typically only need an exhaust fan. The intakes can be passive. If you really need an active intake (i.e. to better control temps), 2x-3x or MORE depending on how quick you need to pump the air in. There are a bunch of factors involved. You want to be able to replace all the air in your tent every 3 minutes. So you need to take the volume of your grow tent and divide that by three. You then need to oversize the fan another 20% for the carbon scrubber and more for any bends in the ducting. You'd then need to oversize that for the CFM's of any intake fan. Again, my guess would be you won't need a fan for the intake unless your tent is in extreme heat or extreme cold where you may need to actually pump cold or hot air into the room. Usually, exhausting the heat out and bringing in cool air from the room through a passive intake works fine. :goodluck:
    Thanks again for info greatly appreciated:thumb:
    Right on Mr. K.! Good to see ya, and thanks for the kind words. I hope all is well in your world, and hope things are growing in your neck of the woods. Last I remember, you were into Hempy, with some purple nugs for days-Hope that's still treating you well. See you around brother.
    Thanks for the ongoing friendship and support Mr Krip. I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate it brother. :thanks:
    i was wondering how much you yielded total in that grow

    how big is your space that you are growing

    i would like to start a grow really similar to you

    i am a first time grower
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