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  • Tornado warnings all over the place up here in New England..trees down across highways, etc. Everyone stay safe and bunker down. Today is a good day for smokin! How u doing?
    Sooooo..I've been researching/reading about soil and fertilizer types and methods to get ready for my weedbaby's repotting and feeding Friday. How overwhelming! The soil formulations were confusing for a bit. So many much info, so many different opinions. As for waterings/feedings I really dig the compost tea, sprout teas, and fish tank water. I'm also digging the diluted urine thing..but I'm on meds, so that is not an option. fascinating concept though. I was planning on buying a mini composting bin for my garden anyway, I will do that before next spring. I was zeroing in on advanced nutrients for vegetative stage. Megacrop is sold out on a lot of sites. One thing is for sure: weedbaby is getting a fabric pot, good soil and a feeding on Friday. I've already been bending it around to prepare it for training. Weedbaby has new growth where I pinched her, and new growth tips at each that is encouraging? I'm a nervous Nellie. Lol. I Will take Pics on Friday. Happy hump day everyone!
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