This landrace sativa originates from a small rural town called Moshi, located in close proximity to Mount Kilimanjaro. It's widely smoked in nearby counties such as Kenya, Uganda, and South Sudan. Moshi sativa produces an intense cerebral high and euphoria that's long lasting. The dark green...
In 1955, Haile Selassie , a respected deity in the Rastafari religion invited Africans living in Carribean Islands to settle in Ethiopia. Several decades later, a new Ethiopian strain called Shashamane sativa emerges and has a striking resemblance to the rare Lamb's Bread strain that was found...
Have seen a post somewhere else about african strains which is great to document and see african strains for ourselves, in the flesh. So how about a post like that here. I will start, give me a mo, going to skin a zol, add some pics and will update, lets see those local honeys. Anything...