so this is my first time posting a grow journal and also my first indoor grow ever. Im on a very low budget so lets see how this goes. im using a 150W HPS with 4 CFLs ( 1-40W 2-20W and 1-15W). for soil im using a local companies organic soil mix. I also have each plant sitting ontop of a root...
1 plant is my plan a.
Soil will be purchased later.
8liter pot.
1 100w hps.
37x37x85cm semi-stealth growbox.
Here it is
As i said its 37x37x85cm
This is my light
And this is my hand made carbon filter
Okay so i decided i wanted to start out fresh again, i had a sativa dominatnt mother plant and it was growing all random so i decided to dump it and go with a fresh clone....Im all for Indica's and especially any OG"s so i went to my local dispensary and picked this up for $20
hey what sup everyone .. first off i will like to thank all the help provided by all the Deep Water Culture here thanks!!!! (Special thanks to roseman for his tutorial):bravo:
here is my spec :
Location - closet
system - stealth Deep Water Culture starter kit
lights - sun system hps 150w...