
  1. S

    Aloha and Mahalo

    Hi Everyone My name is Byron, and I am grateful for everyone's involvement in keeping Cannabis cultivation and usage alive for all these years. I finally decided to get more political as I don't like what is happening in this country. I believe it is my constitutional right to use...
  2. B

    Pregnancy and Medical Marijuana...Is it legal?

    Hello, I'm pregnant and I've been hospitalized for Hypermesis Grivadorum which is a extreme form of morning sickness. Only 2% of pregnant women are affected by this. I had a medical card before but let it expire sometime back. After I was let out of the hospital, after losing a total of...
  3. 4

    Model Medical Marijuana Law

    In my state, MM is going to be an uphill battle. I've decided to gather from any MM laws introduced or passed by various states to find a good model. Well, I found a good one that is sorta being used in several states, but found it deficient. I fixed what I could from the perspective of a...
  4. mmdinsurance

    New laws and regulations around the corner for Colorado MMD MMJ Industry

    Hi All, I think 2010 will be an pivotal year for regulation on the MMD and MMJ industry for Colorado. In my opinion, I think if you are considering becoming a caregiver or cardholder you might start the process now in order to be grandfathered in prior to any new regulations. Apparently...
  5. tintala

    The Union - Anti-Prohibition Documentary

    THE UNION Google the union to watch the WHOLE VIDEO as youtube doesn't have the complete vid.
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