
Well-Known Member
I had my plant in vegetative stage for about 10-11 weeks and now I'm now just starting my 4th week flowering and would like to know if having my plant vegetating for that long will effect my yield in a good or bad wat and would that make my flowering process longer aswell.. any tips or answers would be greatly appreciated
Have you heard of cloning?

When you clone a plant you are taking a cutting off...removing a lower branch and getting it to make new roots to make a "new" plant. When you do that the cutting is the age of the plant you just cloned from. So technically people will keep a plant alive for multiple years and keep getting great plants from it. Eventually a plant says "what the hell is going on? I have been growing for 2 and a half years I need to seed" and will turn hermaphrodite. So eventually it will be bad but some times you can get a plant to go for many many years. Many people keep "mother" pants and take cutting off that plant sitting in veg for a very long time. Again those new clones are the same age genetically as the mother.
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