1st Grow CFL 5250 Watts- 20 Ladys- SCROG+Training+Seed- Grape Krush-SSH - SourD+ More


New Member
I go by the name Yep.
1st off. Thank you for letting me share my journal with you all here at 420magazine.
I have enjoyed quite a few post here over the last few months.
I decided to come out of the shadows and share with y'all my journal.

Please feel free to share/comment/teach-post- in this journal.

Ok lets get started shall we..
Yep-The Numbers :

Goal- 42g per 64w = 0.65g per watt
Total Watts 1406w
Math(21.96) 22 x 64 = 1406
42 x 22 = 924g needed total..
Total Plants 14
Math says A 66g per lady average is needed.

My set up on 12-20-12

This is what ya get:
DJ short Grape Krush ( 1 teen already in soil )
Super Silver Haze ( 1 Clone in cube roots showing )
Sour D (1 Seed)


1 X 150 watt HPS lite

26 w (100) x 21
32 w (75) x 1
65 w (300) x 5

946 True Watts
3615 Watts+150=3765 total
This is between the flower room/ veg room/Seed room

Veg room Mix of 2700/6500

Flower Room Mix 6500/2700
HPS 150

Played around... Miracle grow sucks... slow release nuits fry...
so changed to my mix:
1 bg Fox farm ocean forest
4 bags earthgrow potting soil
2 bags green mix organic blends
1 sm bg MG Organic choice Blood meal
1 sm bg MG Organic choice Bone meal
Bis ass bag of prelite
med bag of peat moss
sand for top of soil

Fox farm Grow big

Hydroplex Bloom Max
M.O.A.B Mother of all blooms

Used foam walls( Comes in large sheets at home depot )to build a 6x7 foot room inside a empty bedroom then put a wall between to
split for Veg/Flower...
a few small fans
4 inch in-line with a charcoal scrubber and home made silencer
Home made fixtures for CFL's
Access to window through wall
Vent tubing
low-60 High-84 AVE-65 to 78

Once a week at most... Due to large moss content

Dumb ass little fly's that eat fallen leaves... ( sand blocks there food ) They go bye bye

---------------- My set up 4-18-12----------------

Grow Room:
CFL-true watts

64w x 5 = 320w
26w x 26 = 676w
150 hps = 150w

total=1146 true watt

Seed Grow:
CFL-true watts

26w x 10 = 260w

Total light= 1406 true watts ( 5250 equivalent watts)

The HPS 150w is up against the ceiling and for the most part is shared by the 4 main Lady's.
I only have 2700k/6500k spectrum cfl and I would need 3500k/4200k to get what i would need.
with out this high hanging hsp. besides I already had it and why not. lol

I have not used it for a single Lady's grow or moved its height or position more than 2 time this grow.
The reason I am not trying to use it more is heat. I tried to cool it in the begging to no avail so
I just put it up high and move the Lady's around every couple weeks.


4" in line fan with scrubber x 1
14" floor fans x 2
Cool air humidity floor fan x 2
6" desk fan x 1

lights on temps:

80% of the time between 78-84*
20% between 85-91*

Depending on outside temps

The main grow space is 5' x 7'
seed grow 2.5' x 4'
The Lady's-
Grape Krush-- 2 Cut dried--1 (4-5 weeks)from cut. = 3
Super silver haze-- 1 Ready to cut anytime-- 2 training-5 in SCROG(6-7 wees from cut) = 8
SSH seed--- 1 (4-5 weeks to cut) = 1
Bag boy seed--- 1 (4-5 weeks to cut) = 1
Grape Krush 4 seed 1 (6-8 weeks to cut) = 1
Lady's List of Flowering start day 4-19-21
As of 4-19-12.

Super silver haze-1- (1-20-12) Day 90

Sour Diesel-1- (1-28-12) Day 82

Grape Krush-3- (2-20-12) Day 59

Bag Boy seed- (2-25-12) Day 51

SSH seed- (3-12-12) Day 38

SCROG x 2 pots- (3-26-12) Day 24

Training x 2 pots- (3-26-12) Day 24
{SSH x 2}

Grape Krush-4- (3-30-12) Day 20


Yep that took a minute.
Did I mention this is just the 1st of many grows to come. My next grow will be with 750 w of HPS + CFL's
Organic soil mass yield dankness. Yep next winter. Im outside in summer-inside in winter.
The evolution of yeps CFL grow room.

The Room 2-3-12___4-17-12













Super silver haze 1 4-22-12

Super silver haze 1:

Directly under: 2x64w cfl (128 True watt-600 Equivalent watt)

I fed her
Per Gal. Added:
1/4 tbs M.O.A.B
1/4tsp Hydroplex Bloom maximizer
1/8 cup Molasses

She Has recovered nicely.
Her fan leaves show the scares yet her new growth
looks healthy and she has filled in & showing a nice layer of frost.
She is a fighter and seems to be getting close to climax.


I need to get at least 1 more watering in since I fed her 2 waterings ago and
that means 3 days at least. I would think she will be way ready by then.
Even her lower buds are filling in now.
Lots of frost yet no amber and still clear.
Taking her one nug at a time.



SourD-1 4-22-12 Day 85

SourD-1 4-22-12 Day 85
Directly under: 3x64w cfl (192 True watt-900 Equivalent watt)

She slowed her growth for just a day or so after cutting 5 of her Colas,taking 38.5g off her top a little early.
As of 4-16-12 She is filling in and I see a touch of frost for the first time. She has a few seeds here and there.
Yet she seems to keep it to herself so I'm good and I want seed for later. Win-Win
I fed her
Per Gal. Added:
1/4 tbs M.O.A.B
1/4tsp Hydroplex Bloom maximizer
1/8 cup Molasses
I check pH before I use. I like it at 6.5-ish
Otherwise I have been watering every 4-5 days with just water.
Last water was 4-16-12

I will just keep watering with just water from now on and try to
add molasses on the last watering.
Not sure how long till she is cut,
I feel she has just started to really show herself.




Training 4-22-12 Day 27

Training 4-22-12 Day 27

I must have mixed my clones up. Turn's out after they showed flower's. These are Sour Diesel lady's not SSH. ops...

SourD(Training Lady's 1 & 2# 4-16-12
Day 22 flowering Directly under shared : 6x26w cfl #156 True watt-600 Equivalent watt)

Every other watering has been

Per Gal. Added: 2 1/2 TBSP Guano -Soaking 48 hours-Then-
1/4 tbs M.O.A.B
1/2 tsp Hydroplex Bloom maximizer
1/8 cup Molasses

Watering every 6-8 days.

Training 1:
Good growth. No sign of stress. She has around 80% of her pot covered.
Taking the training like a champ.

Training 2:
Great growth. No sign of stress. Covered her pot 105% and growing
like crazy. Talking 1-2" a day easy. Training new growth around the
edge of the pot.


Just keep doing what I am doing.
Trying to stall the upward growth as long as I can.
SCROG 1 & 2 4-22-12 Day 25 flowering

SCROG 1 4-22-12
Day 25 flowering
Directly under: 6x26w cfl (152 True watt-600 Equivalent watt)

Large moss content means I only water every 6-10 days. 1-2 gallons
(Thinking this cant be good and will do something to get better dry soil times)
More holes on sides and make a 1 in perlite filled hole in the center of the pots.
Going to use a 1" PVC pipe to make the hole around 3\4 way down the soil.
Then fill with perlite.
Thinking better air flow mean faster drying,more feeding, root growth due to
chasing water and since I run air under the canopy she will have better humidity levels.
Worried about root rot in the long term as well.

Every other watering has been

Per Gal. Added: 2 1/2 TBSP Guano -Soaking 48 hours-Then-
1/4 tbs M.O.A.B
1/2 tsp Hydroplex Bloom maximizer
1/8 cup Molasses

I check pH before I use. I like it at 6.5-ish

There are only 2 SSH in this pot and they are growing fast.
No signs of stress.
Filled around 60% of net and all growth still under.
4-16 I trimmed her under growth a little. Great stem structure.
Lots of Growth.

SCROG 2 4-22-12
Day 25 flowering
Directly under: 9x26w cfl (234 True watt-900 Equivalent watt)

There are 3 HHS and 2 SourD Lady's in this pot.
All look really health and have great growth.
Top cut all Lady's and can see the growth exploding under her canopy.
This is going to be a monster,
4-16-12 I trimmed her under growth a little. Great stem structure.
Lots of Growth.
All growth still under the net and it is around 90% filled.

Large moss content means I only water every 6-10 days. 1-2 gallons
(Thinking this cant be good and will do something to get better dry soil times)
More holes on sides and make a 1 in perlite filled hole in the center of the pots.
Going to use a 1" PVC pipe to make the hole around 3\4 way down the soil.
Then fill with perlite.
Thinking better air flow mean faster drying,more feeding, root growth due to
chasing water and since I run air under the canopy she will have better humidity levels.
Worried about root rot in the long term as well.

Every other watering has been

Per Gal. Added: 2 1/2 TBSP Guano -Soaking 48 hours-Then-
1/4 tbs M.O.A.B
1/2 tsp Hydroplex Bloom maximizer
1/8 cup Molasses

I check pH before I use. I like it at 6.5-ish

CFL--Electricity KWh cost /light usage- Brake down as of 4-18-12

:tokin:CFL--Electricity KWh cost /light usage- Brake down as of 4-18-12

I used this : :nomo:


Electric usage is measured in kilowatt-hours.

1 watt-hour is the equivalent of 1 watt of power used for 1 hour.

1 kilowatt-hour is the equivalent of 1000 watt-hours used for 1 hour.

Three values are needed to calculate the cost to use an appliance:

- The power rating or wattage of the appliance. This is found on the appliance e.g. 50W or 1800W.

- The time the appliance is switched on in hours (or minutes ÷ 60)

- The cost per KWh.

1. Appliance wattage ÷ 1000 = kilowatts (kW)

2. Kilowatts × (time appliance is switched on in hours) = kilowatt hours (kWh)

3. Kilowatt hours x cost per KWh is what you pay for that appliance to run.


& came up with this:

Averaged out my city's charge per kwh at the times I run lights: 15 cents per KWh

Time line use of CLF calculating True Watt:

--12-20-12 > 1-20-12-- 33 Days

(10bulbs x 26w ) x 24 hours a day {260 x 24hrs}

--1-20-12 > 3-30-12-- 82 Days

VEG--(9 x 26w ) x 24hrs+(1 x 32w ) x 24 hrs {266 x 24hrs}

Flower--(12 x 26w) + (5 x 65w) + (150w ^hps^) x 12 hrs {787 x 12hrs}

--3-31-12 > 4-18-12-- 19 Days

Flower--(36 x 26w) + ( 5 x 65W ) + (1 x150w ^hps^) x 12 hrs {1406 x 12hrs}


CFL True watt * 1406 watts * Equivalent watts * 5250 watts *


260w x 24hrs x 33days@15cents a KWh = $31.02

266 x 24 x 82@15cents a KWh = $78.72

787 x 12 x 82@15cents a KWh = $116.44

1406 x 12 x 19@15cents a KWh = $48.07

Total Lights electricity cost to date(12-20-12>>4-18-12): $274.25

----- 1406w x 12 x 31Days@15cents a KWh = $2.53 a day- being {$78.43 a 31 day month)-----

1406w @15cents a KWh 12 a day for 31 days cost:

Day $2.53

Quarter $230.93

Year $923.74


Please feel free to correct me if I'm incorrect in my breakdown-I am well medicated and this is

my first try at a grow let alone the math and science behind how the Lady's do their thing.

Comments-idea's and such are welcome...


Re: 1st grow CFL 5250 watts-20 ladys-SCROG+training+seed(Grape Krush,SSH,SourD)+more

Dammmmmmmmmmmmmmm i love this , its perfect how did it taste?

Thanks. I am still curing the SourD cuts and GK-2 lady and will post a smoke report in a week or so,once I get into them.
I have been Smoking on my 1 oz of Grape Krush 1 lady and some honey oil from her and I am loven it.
I will post my smoke report from GK-1 for ya.

Thanks for looken.
Dj Short Grape Krush Review by Yep

Dj Short Grape Krush lady-1 Review by Yep :peace:

Grape Krush,
has a fantastic fruity grape scent when braking dryed buds open,
just rub the bud or even stem and smell for ultimate sweetness that waters the mouth.

The flavor:

Delicious, with a nice grape candy taste, very unique.

Red hairs and glistening crystals covering small-medium sized buds.

Spicy, but not too strong.

Quick to the center of your forhead buzz then mellows you out to a relaxing high,
great for evening and just chilling, euphoric and uplifting...


Semi-strong, 1- 1.5 hrs


The Strain:

Growing- Purple Krush has been easy to grow so far.

My feeling is less is better. Less Nuits and less water. Dj Short is known for Organic

and his strains are said to do better with less. Now i know why.(easy to fry,even at half and lower ratio on nuits)

Easy training for larger yield. Great Micro grow strain.

Smoking- (So-Far) Keep in mind-

This is my first plant which had a hard time of it and I believe I pulled her a little early.

She rocks, even given the conditions. I still got " B " grade meds and a good taste to boot.

Call me stoked and I cant wait till # 2 is done.

She is going great and should be a much better idea of what Grape Krush should be.

Fingers crossed,knocking on wood that is...

The Room 4-23-12

The Room 4-23-12
I removed 182 watts of light to lower temp's

Seed 4-22-12 Day 41

Seed 4-22-12 Day 41

Seed 4-22-12 Day 41
Super Silver Haze
Mex Bag Seed Male
Grape Krush-4 Day 23

6" Sun Tube Grow Light, Harvest Pro 400w MH + HPS Ballast

6" Sun Tube Grow Light, Harvest Pro 400w MH + HPS Ballast

I just picked this up for $115.00 new shipped.
Loven it. lol
Ya never know- ya know...
1/8th oz Top cut SSH1 4-24-12 Day 96

1/8th oz Top cut SSH1 4-24-12 Day 96
Cut inorder to taste and get the light a little closer for last couple weeks,

BHO 91 gram run 4-25-12

BHO 91 gram run 4-25-12

I did 2 45g runs with 10oz-B each run
Then cramed all in and ran 1 more 10oz-B
I did the run outside and waited 10 minutes
between each run.

--91 grams of popcorn nugs-leaf-trim-stem ground fine.
--Coffee filter added to the end of the extractor for fine filtering.
--total of 30 oz Butane

let sit for a few hour's

I will post weight soon.

I use a coffee maker hot plate outside to hurry things along.

Re: 1st grow CFL 5250 watts-20 ladys-SCROG+training+seed(Grape Krush,SSH,SourD)+more

Thankz, Deege420. Im taking it as a good sign. :thanks:
Sour Diesel ---Smoke Report --4/26/12 (Top Cola's cut 2-3 weeks early)

Sour Diesel ---Smoke Report --4/26/12 (Top Cola's cut 2-3 weeks early)

5 top cola's cut early - A few days hanging- then brown bag- into jar's a couple weeks.
39 grams dried and a few viable seed's

It's great for being ground, leaving you with the perfect consistency to roll it or put it in a bowl.

It's sill not too dry, but not exactly fresh off the vine.

Rolled a fatty and it went out 2 times, then stayed and burned perfect.
Smoked a bowl and it burns slow, and builds up a fat thick creamy hit
, sure is a nice way to say "SURPRISE!" to your lungs.

The taste: is beautiful, kinda woodsy and deep forest-ish with subtle hints of sweetness and diesel after taste.

Effects: Trippe, head high - slow roller, waves across the brain. Let's u think a little then hit's the brakes and
and, and, What was I saying...

Looks. Pure fluff- not compact at all. Tall, shiny to fat widths buds. (Pre cut colas-2-3 weeks early)

It's buds are long and skinny and tend to not be compact so she looks like a sativa dominated strain to me.

Though she has seed's- Not so many as to have affected her final outcome. Of 39g dried I only found
a dozen or so seeds. A few of which look viable so that's a pure bonus.

Over all- Yep I am straight up happy I grew her- She took nuits and tea's like a champ-
Fought with mites and home made Oil-mite's killer spray and my whole
learning curve and never even flinched. Very hardy,very easy to grow
and I cant wait to try growing her with the right light-soil set up.

Though she was a seed found in a couple nugs I picked up
months before I started my grow & I was lucky to remember I had it. lol

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