Dont give up on clones, we will get this figured out. When I started I killed them all the first two times and half of them the third try; I haven't lost any since so we just need to dissect what your doing and fine tune it to get you running.
I have read scissors are potentially harmful and razor blades are supposed to do less "pinching", so that may be an option. (though I do use a SHARP pair of scissors every time)
are you using a good rooting hormone? powder or gel as they both work well. Mines the cheap stuff from Fred Meyers by "schultz", there is probably better on the market but this works for me.
I do prefer rockwool for cuttings, dont fert it though; just ph the water to 5.5 and soak for a while 30-60 minutes should suffice. GENTLY wring them out, don't crush them, but with a moderate squeeze expel the water till its just nicely damp\fairly wet. Not soaked though, this is important.
I take a cutting at the lower branches (usually), make the cut a few inchs longer than you need. Quickly/immediately place it into a glass of tap water, making sure the cut is under water as the plant will naturally draw air or water into it. Air is bad mojo right now. Do this with all the cuttings one at a time, if your doing differnt strains keep them in separate glasses.
Next I make sure all the holes in the rockwool are good by pushing a shish-ka-bob stick into the existing holes to a depth of around 3/4 the cube height. Any small diameter "stick" will work, make sure its not too thick though.
By now the cuttings have sucked in some water through the stem and are ready for the final cut, I try to make the clones only a few inches tall after placed into the cube so make this cut accordingly. QUICKLY dip into tap water again, just for a second to get it wet. Then QUICKLY dip an inch of the stem into the rooting hormone, making sure it is well covered. It will probably be on real thick if using powder so tap it to knock off the excess and put it into the cube. Do this for all of them one at a time, and be quick as possible without freaking out and making a huge mess.
The next thing I ALWAYS do is trim the leaves. Cut 50% off of every leaf "finger" that is on the clone, for example on your hand the cut would be the first knuckle off of your hand (middle).
After that the dome method.
One more thing, upper-mid eighties (87) seems to be the magic temp for me, thats inside the dome.
Also I have done clones in soil, but for me it was slower than with rockwool which is why I continue to use it. Rapid Rooter plugs also work well, but are a little spendy for me.
Hope this helps you out.
Oh yeah the other plants look nice, Mama is a killer green. Keep it up BUD.