1st hydro not so good..need help for 2nd!


New Member
my 1st hydro grow didnt do so well...started out good but i think i ended up getting nute burn...basically all leaves turned brown and droppy and started dying....new growth as well as old.....im actually still growing the same plant...but doesnt seem to be doing any better. I was using a nute schedule that I thought was a good table but since curent plant didnt seem to like it I would like to know if anyone has a great nute feeding schedule.Im growing with DWC in 10 gal. container. using general hyrdoponics, micro,grow,bloom, nectar. plan on using dr hornby big bud when time is right...also have kool bloom but will use hornby over the kool bloom. any advice would be greatly apreciated....
My only hydro grow was a lot of work for 2 ozs,so i switched to soil,like foxfarm in 2 gal pots,and got much better results.My water grow also attracted every cockroach in the hood,i had to move out after harvest...
sounds like you had a dirty grow room. cockroaches shouldn't be attracted to your setup...

And hydro shouldn't be standing water.. bubblers, air pumps, water pumps, aeration/aeroponics .. all these things move water. It sounds like you did a lot wrong ;)
We normally recommend 1/4 strengh mix on the 2nd and 3rd week then 50% mix til harvest time. Found better results when I used plain water as a flush every 4th week to help clean build up.
Changing nute mix weekly is also recommended with small resevoirs.

As for the guy with a roach problem, I would love to here more.
Well,i kept the closet as clean as possible,and i had bubblers and pumps to replace nutes every 2 weeks or whenever the ph got out of range.But the roaches didnt eat the plants,pesticides helped,but just ran in and out of the grow tank.The roaches took over the whole apt.a month or so before harvest,so i had to do my own roach control with sprays,gel,etc.Nothing worked,so i harvested and moved far away.I think hydro should be done in a place where there is no other food source,like garbage in sink drains,or food left out..Good luck to all and thanks for your input...
Sounds more like it was the apartments fault than anything else. You might of had a few bad neighbors or left too many exmunchie food lying around.
If this happens in the future, surrond your grow area or resevoir with a trail type pesticide like boric acid. They cross that line and they are dead but it normally deters them away.
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