1st time grower with sudden problem during flowering stage.


New Member
Hi guys,

When i initially put my plants into flowering everything was going great until i noticed a sudden decline in one of the plants particularly. Leaves started to wilt and curl in on themselves with some leaves yellowing.

The photos below show the plant at start of decline and a few days after. Any help/advice much appreciated.

Strain - Strawberry cheese (2 plants)
In flowering stage for approx 3-4 weeks
Coco coir
one 600w light with glass covering not exhausted.
Temps range from 22c to 11c on cold nights.
RH 30-50%
No known pests.
roots appear clean
1m x1m room
Dutch grow fertililsers


Many Thanks !
Hey Benj! I'm sorry to see such an unhappy plant. I have a couple of questions for you. Is you container being used for the first time or has it been used in a previous grow? If it has been used in a previous grow did you disinfect the container by washing in a diluted ( 1 tbsp. per gallon of water) before use? Did you use fresh medium for the grow? The plant's symptoms look very reminiscent of fusarium or verticilium wilt. Both of these are common wilt diseases of a lot of vegetable crops grown both inside and out. It thrives in a high humidity warm environment. Best of luck in all you grow!
It is the first time this container has been used with fresh coco medium so did not disinfect before use. humidity and temp are relatively low given the cold snap recently, temps range from 11c to 22c and humidity 30-50%.

Thanks for te reply
Ok then let me ask you one more thing, have the volumes of water that you are supplying the exact same per plant/ Coco coir holds 8 times it's volume in water but since it drains so well that water is generally contained in the bottom layers of the container. There fore it is often easy to think that the medium is dry to the feel on the top when in actuality it is very wet down below. Generally coco coir as a medium is fairly disease free and should be totally free in your scenario with new containers and medium. For a wilt that severe you really only have 4 potential culprits in almost any growing scenario.

-A severe infestation of sucking insects. Not likely in this case because you have a healthy uninfected plant in the same room

- A bacterial, fugal or viral infection of the plant. Again not likely in this case with sterilized medium and a new container

-Over watering causing a lack of oxygen levels in the root ( waterlogging) Not a common problem in coco coir but not unheard of but in my opinion again not likely in your case because it looks like your plants are in containers with adequate drainage holes. Normally I would suggest a soda water feed to increase oxygen via CO2 to the roots but not really necessary in coco coir.

-Lastly an over feeding scenario where the nutrient levels have reached a toxic level to the plant. Many people refer to this as " burning the roots" but that's not actually what happens. It just becomes a toxic environment due to an unacceptable level of dissolved nutrients.

Have you kept notes during your grow? Just to make certain that you don't experience these problems in the future I suggest every grower keeps notes on every cultural practice that they use on their plants. I keep records of germination temp. and times ( days till germination)
I keep a record of my watering schedule and the volume that is fed each plant. I keep track of my nutrient applications both volumes and concentrations And I keep records of the stages each plant is in at those applications as well as the stages they are in for any pruning and trining techniques that I may employ. I know that this sound overly detailed but if you do this it will almost become second nature in the care of your plants. It begins to direct your actions and allows you to measure the plant's responses to your care. Best of luck in all you grow!
Did your heater blow directly onto the pot the plant is in? I've seen a plant wilt like that after accidentally doing this myself lol.
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