HAhahahaha and a $#!T load of seeds.
Cute, huh....
I finally got Fed-up with chasing the Organic train that technically does NOT exist in hydroponics... Considering the high end sterile nutrient lines (Not to be confused with anything from AN)lol
More on this subject....
The thing is, we need something to break down the decaying matter that is in our tank and hydroton (grow medium).
Options are basically....
enzymatic or chemical.
The enzymatic way would require the use of an enzyme.
Every manufacturer makes a ZYME product. "They Claim" can do the job of breaking down the organic material. Once everything is eaten up, they die off without affecting (yea right) anything else. And "good" microbes will (should?, probably? maybe?) stay in the system. {what system? NOT DWC!}
Chemical, would be the H2O2 type route. This will KILL "good" and "bad" bacteria/fungi.
whether it's deemed as "good" bacteria/fungi or "bad" bacteria/fungi, you don't really need either in hydroponics.
I can feed them nutrients that essentially bypass the steps the bacteria and fungi take to break down the material.
Nutrients (certain ones) can be immediately available to the plants root zone and shouldn't "need" the beneficial's to break it down and feed it to the plant.
OK,I Still need to establish an overall immune response of the plant. RIGHT!
Max potential to achieve complete genetic capabilities. And maintain the health of the reservoir.
Flying Skull product line claims to achieve this at a very low cost!
As I said before...Considering the high end sterile nutrient lines. DO NOT NEED THEM.
All products I have used in DWC (standalone), RDWC, TOP FEED, MISTERS, EBB&FLOW Have left traces of bad bacteria within the reservoir.
Most reacted poorly to pH down.
Almost all screwed with Amino and Folvic Acids.
So I have to sterilize every week? to maintain a healthy system? Really? That is a lot of wasted nutrients.
What if I believe I can get organic quality out of Hydroponics. Without the cost of a microbial nightmare.
In the beginning.......
Drain to Waste (5 gal buckets, utility footlocker). Using Gordon's ECWAM Schedule.
Micro Feed Nutrients at a Low EC.
Aeroponics Require Less Nutrient Solution.
Simple DIY Standalone DWC with Dewey Misters.
Nutrients: Flying Skull (full lineup)
Lights: LED and T5
Strain(s) Alien OG and a Basket Full of Surprises.
Seedling / Clone Area: Were Ever?
VEG Area: 3'x3'x8'
Flower Area: 9'x5'x8'
Environmental is controlled and constant for the grow phases.
And we are Off to a Promising Start!!!!
Seeds in paper towel on the 12th of July.
Rockwool Starter Cup on the 14th of July
3gal Starter Tote on the 21st of July
(I will use up some quality beneficial during the seedling phase)
Well Water: Natural pH 5.45, EC 0.01, ppm 10. (2.5gal)
AN Tarantula: 4ml
CH Completzym: 4ml
CH Root XL: 4ml
FS z7: 1ml each (2part)
ROOTS 23 July
30 July
Setup in progress
Aug 1st is the start of the SOG. 8 plants started for 18 to 24 clones.
Clones will be rooted for an SOG.
Strain: Mystery GSC Hybrid