4 grow tents, attempt at perpetual harvest


New Member
this is a deep water culture grow, using 5 gal buckets under the hps/led mix,
25gal rubbermaid under just led. just starting to get my nutes back on track, this is around my third grow altogether.

currently have 29 plants, around half in veg half in flower.
recently upgraded to commercial water pumps
i am using advanced nutrients conniseur for flowering, sensi grow for veg.
sometimes using cal-mag, b-52, carbo load

currently using: 8x4x7 tent, with 1 250hps, 2 150hps, and 2 90watt ufos,and co2 boost bucket
3x3x5 tent with 270 watt supernova
3x3x5 tent with 2 procyon 100s (100 watt led each)
31/2x3 1/2 x 2 tent with 96 watt t5 (seedlings and cloning)
i am awaiting 2 more led fixtures to alter this setup.
will grab a few pics when the lights come on tonight :peace:
make you use have hps with every one of those leds.or you will be deeply disappointed...
power kush 6 weeks 12/12 under led

the hps box (edit: and leds :) )
im not quite sure how i want them spaced out, right now they are about 2-3 weeks in between each group of plants. but i would like to have 10 big plants in my largest tent, 12 flowering clones in each of my 3x3s, 10 clones and 1 mother vegging in the smallest tent. largest box will remain a mixture of led and hps, primararily hps, while the two 3x3s will be only led, with 2 fixtures that are in shipment right now. i do need to change the breaker for the room from 15 amps to 20 amps to run the next lights.
this is a deep water culture grow, using 5 gal buckets under the hps/led mix,
25gal rubbermaid under just led. just starting to get my nutes back on track, this is around my third grow altogether.

currently have 29 plants, around half in veg half in flower.
recently upgraded to commercial water pumps
i am using advanced nutrients conniseur for flowering, sensi grow for veg.
sometimes using cal-mag, b-52, carbo load

currently using: 8x4x7 tent, with 1 250hps, 2 150hps, and 2 90watt ufos,and co2 boost bucket
3x3x5 tent with 270 watt supernova
3x3x5 tent with 2 procyon 100s (100 watt led each)
31/2x3 1/2 x 2 tent with 96 watt t5 (seedlings and cloning)
i am awaiting 2 more led fixtures to alter this setup.
will grab a few pics when the lights come on tonight :peace:

Wow, that's about the same nute schedule I've been planning to use for my next grow. So glad to see more Advanced Nutrient growers out there. Seems that on some of these boards, people are only posting just to complain about AN. I've truly never had a problem when I've used Conn, Sensi, and Carbo Load.

I'll be watching to see how your grow turns out. I'm sure it's going to be amazing.

Hi bigkuz68,

How did this grow turn out?
We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile: Care to give us a harvest or smoke report?

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
hey dude, can you show some shots of the actual equipment please. I dont know what's meant by tent growing?
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