420 Girl - Patricia Troy


New Member
When I was much younger I had a terrible migraine headache and on a lark someone gave me some marijuana. It went away and I was laughing and having fun. As it wore off the headache came back.
Now, I have fibromyalgia and a drawer full of pain pills the doctors gave me. They turned me into a zombie. Medical marijuana is so much better. There are so many different kinds of marijuana. You find the kind that suits you. My family says, "There goes Pat doing her thing again." With my daughter early on I told her there are certain drugs that were OK and certain ones to stay away from. I recognized it as a kind of a rite of passage for a young person. I think marijuana is perfectly safe. Patricia Troy breaks into a smile when asked how marijuana helps her, at the Peace In Medicine Healing Center. Medical marijuana dispensaries in less populated areas of California like Sonoma County, California are providing many of the services found in their big city counterparts.
- Patricia Troy, 65, of Santa Rosa, California


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