420 Magazine's Photo of the Month: July 2020

My Tropicanna Bannana at day 27 of flower

It’s been quite a while since I’ve tried entering one of these but here it goes, was checking my cutlings and saw the clone canopy thru the water droplet and had to share it with everyone. Completely unedited version because the version my other half modified for me has my username in it (No text, du-oh). These are my Northern Lights babies, and I call this picture “Thru the looking glass” Good luck to everyone
So many fantastic pics here :bravo: to all so far :popcorn: :yummy:

I had a play with my new tripod for some low light longer exposure pics recently. I esp. liked this one So thought I’d share it here - in the forum monthly slideshow

If I was going to name it, I’d call it “Fronds” ;)

That's pretty!
Just wondering if you ever had a Bee pollinate a plant ? I grow indoors so don't really know if that happens much.
Female cannabis flowers don’t have nectar. While pollinators are attracted to the pollen of male plants, they’re unlikely to visit females because there’s nothing there for them — cannabis is wind pollinated and so doesn’t depend on pollinators.
In other words, nothing to particularly worry about.
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