New Member
Hiya everybody , firstly i'd like to say thank you in advance for all the insight i have gained from reading through your posts , as well any help personally you may pass on to me in future
Many times now ive nearly uploaded pictures of my babies and screamed help, only to end up browsing posts and grow threads and scouring the net instead gleaming tid bits of information from here and there to help resolve and over come any issues and anxieties.
Soo. im happy to say this is not the case today and would now like to take the opportunity to introduce my babies to you all.
I have been keeping a journal of sorts as well should inform you that they are today 30 days from sprouting.
I will post these current photos first and then in a pulp fiction type fashion go back to the very beginning and try show some of my progress working forward
LOL, pls dont pick on me too much , as per my title i am a growing newb thanks again in advance for all your help and support and i hope the thread is not too boring to read..
My babies today at day 30
The two ladies( i hope) at back are the assasins and the three at front the greenhouse green-o-matics
A close up of one of the green-o-matics
Many times now ive nearly uploaded pictures of my babies and screamed help, only to end up browsing posts and grow threads and scouring the net instead gleaming tid bits of information from here and there to help resolve and over come any issues and anxieties.
Soo. im happy to say this is not the case today and would now like to take the opportunity to introduce my babies to you all.
I have been keeping a journal of sorts as well should inform you that they are today 30 days from sprouting.
I will post these current photos first and then in a pulp fiction type fashion go back to the very beginning and try show some of my progress working forward
LOL, pls dont pick on me too much , as per my title i am a growing newb thanks again in advance for all your help and support and i hope the thread is not too boring to read..
My babies today at day 30
The two ladies( i hope) at back are the assasins and the three at front the greenhouse green-o-matics
A close up of one of the green-o-matics