420BudzFreak Is Back To Play! Journal 5, RDWC & LED


Well-Known Member
Hello 420 world! I'm back for my 5th journal on this wonderful forum!

Here we go! Long story short, I started 3 plants that I planned on moving outdoors in the spring. It got a bit late in the season and the plants were taking their sweet time to grow. They ended staying inside, in the 2x2 tent under 24 hour light. I've got them growing nicely right now and 2 will remain as mothers. Here's a shot of them when they were hurting. Much better now (Ill add in a picture tonight). The third will be donated to a friend. Ill take clones from the mothers and get to rooting them for the big tent.

On to the big tent, 4x4x7 to be exact. I have it all cleaned out and ready to rock. Last run ( you can have a look at my journals in my sig.) I ended up with 19oz cured. It turned out really well. Lets see if I can beat that number this time!!

A little about the set up!
Tent - 4'x4'x7'
Lights - 3 x 250w (at the wall) LED grow lights. 2 x "daylight" 1 x "blurple"
RDWC - 2 plant system made by me. 3 x 5 gallon buckets. 2 buckets are grow stations, 1 is a res buffer. Res is about 15 gallons. so The system sits at roughly 27-28 gallons.
Fans - One 200cfm exhaust fan at the top, one pc fan for air movement, one 16" oscillating fan for air movement and one 100cfm fan for intake.
Nutrients - Very simple one part. Ill go into this more later.


Thanks for stopping by! Ill update this as much as I can and with lots of pictures. Let me know what you think and check out my older journals!

Just watered the mothers and swapped out the light for one I picked up recently. I'm sure they'll enjoy it! Grow grow grow. :). Oh and a picture during flower from my last grow. She fills up nicely!!
Hey Budz, good to see you back. I'll be the first to pull up a chair
Hey brother! Hope you're well. Thanks for stopping by, Should be fun! Lets see if I can beat my last number. Ill stop by your journals soon and see whats going on in your world. Happy Growing dude!
Happy Friday everyone!! Im lucky enough to be able to jump on and do some reading at working during slow times. Hope everyone is doing well. Ill be cutting clones and drinking beers tonight! No work for me this weekend thankfully :) :)
Looks good dude. 19oz for that last run was a good haul. Glad to hear all is well. I'm gonna stick around for this one
Thanks for stopping by brother! It was an awesome haul, still enjoying it very much lol. Ill take some pics of the cloner and put them up tonight!
Well then, 7 months later lol. This seems like a perfect time start back up. The tent has been sitting in ready to rock mode since my last post. Approximately 3 weeks ago I germinated some beans and got going! This run will be 2 fem Juicy Fruit gifted from a friend approx 5 years ago. It had a good thc level and was my kinda high. Looking forward to how it turns out! Things are moving along well at the moment. I gave them their first topping a few days ago. Once again I’m blown away by the recovery.

I’m curious to see who’s still kicking around these days. I’ll be scouting the forums and have a look!
Happy smoking, and its good to be back :) I have some pictures on another device that I’ll post momentarily!
That purply indica looks like it's going to be dangerous!

This run will be 2 fem Juicy Fruit gifted from a friend approx 5 years ago.
I'm a new grower so I don't have much experience, but I read other members talking about seeds that are 5+ years old growing slowly/ strange and giving a lackluster high. can't remember who it was. Maybe it was just them. Cheers. :blunt:
That purply indica looks like it's going to be dangerous!

I'm a new grower so I don't have much experience, but I read other members talking about seeds that are 5+ years old growing slowly/ strange and giving a lackluster high. can't remember who it was. Maybe it was just them. Cheers. :blunt:

Thanks for stopping by! I’m looking forward to seeing how they grow out. I haven’t had any negative experience with older seeds as long as they’re stored correctly. They germinated awesome and we’re off to the races! Enjoy the grow. This system has worked very well for me in the past :)
my favorite strain of my crop did not sprout :( Critical Purple
my favorite strain of my crop did not sprout :( Critical Purple
Awe crap! That’s no fun. Did it just not germinate or? It’s quite annoying when that happens. I had 3/5 beans I paid a premium for do that to me a couple years back. It might have been something I did, but my germination methods haven’t changed in 15 years so? Who knows? Chin up and keep trucking. Things will be all good. Happy growing!
Just randomly woke up. Can't fall back asleep so it's bowl time and a couple quick pics for you! One is a root shot. Nice and white! The other one is of some Grand Daddy Purp Fem crossed with unknown male a friend gifted me. The beans look wild with patterns. Should be fun. We'll add it to the collection lol. Hope everyone is well!

Relaxing and watching ufc ... its good to have live sports. You don’t realize how much you miss them until they’re gone! Anyone else a fan? I haven’t opened the tent yet today lol. One of the many beauties of RDWC. I’ll have to peak in soon to fill the humidifiers and have a look at the little ones. Some pictures you say? Wait...its like the ufc event in here ...no audience lol. Ah well, I brought it on myself for going MIA for so long. Hope everyone is well and happy growing!! :) :)
Man is it ever raining out!!! Almost done work for today, it was a good day. Hope everyone is well. Big news for Ontario today eh? I’ll snap some pictures tonight of the ever growing girls. They’re in explosion mode right now its crazy as usual. Hopefully someone pops in here soon or I’ll start answering my own questions haha. I know its to be expected being away for so long, but fuck lol. Hellooooooo out thereeeeeee ... :) :). Happy growing!
lol... the first sign of going nuts is answering yourself so let me save you! I've been meaning to pop back in here but I've been so busy myself and have got sooo many journals to follow.
Greta to see you kickin' it again Budz.
Much appreciated buddy! Lol. Ill just say its the plants answering me :). There are SO many journals I’m trying to make my way through as I have time. I’ll check out your current ones this eve. How’s things in your world?
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