4twenty4all New Grow Room - Multiple Strains - 2010

Thanks Reefa! Appreciate the reps! I thought it might be nice to see how much difference there is in yield between the different styles using girls from the same mom.

I use a power atomizer (atomist sprayer - Breaks down particles to 20 - 50 microns) I go light on the foliar feeding because it seems to get more concentration of nutrients to the plant. My Foliar feeding schedule is every Sunday and Wednesday now that I am getting back on track.

Things that will never change:
Sundays- Foliar feed
Wednesdays - Foliar feed
Foliar water PH: 6.8
Water PH: 6.5
Water temp: 73 - 74 degrees
Measurements are in per gallon
I foliar up until two weeks before harvest

Foliar fed:
2 1/4 tsp MaxiCrop Liquid Seaweed with Iron
1/2 tsp Super Bat Super Tea Liquid (bat and seabird guano, plus earthworm castings)

Flowering plants:
1 tsp FF Tiger Bloom


Watered with:
1 tsp Blackstrap molasses
3/4 tsp FF Grow Big
1 1/2 tsp Neptune's Harvest Seaweed and fish

I will water the flowering girls with molasses next time since I did not have any Sunday.
Temps yesterday were up to 83 degrees. I am going to turn off the 4 600w hps lights that are not air-cooled and see how much that drops the temps. I may have to spring for 4 new 8" air-cooled reflectors and put them in line with my 100w lights to help reduce heat. I really don't want to have to figure out how to get a $5k water-cooled AC right now. Summer is coming!
If you're running 1500ppm Co2 that's actually were you want it. Start your Co2 flow an hour or 2 after your lights on and stop it an hour or 2 before lights out. I try to kind of ramp up slowly, increasing all inputs along with higher temps and humidity.
Hey Budly- I have the co2 starting when the lights come on because it takes about 30 - 40 minutes for the co2 to come up to the 1400ppm range. I also have it set to go off 1 hour before lights off and levels are around 700ppm or so when lights go out.

UPDATE on the HEAT!!!

Well.... I had to drop the money for a water-cooled AC. I got a 36,000 btu Aqua Cooler water cooled AC. It is a 3 ton unit and should do a much better job cooling the place. Temps are reaching 89 in the veg room and 84 at times in the flower room. The sales person said that the 24,000 btu unit should work but I figured I didn't want to chance for a small difference in price. I should get the unit today or tomorrow and will have it installed this week.

Because of the heat issues my newly cut clones have died because of high temps in the reservoir. I hope the new AC will keep temps around 75 degrees so I don't have to spring for a water chiller too. I took pictures but accidentally deleted them so I'll have to update with more pics later this week.

Here is my feeding schedule I will be using this time around as I keep fine-tuning it along the way:


-Week 1:
plain water

-Week 2:
1/4 tsp Blackstrap molasses
3/4 tsp FF Grow Big
1 1/2 tsp Neptune's Harvest Seaweed and fish

-Week 3
1 1/4 tsp FF Grow Big
1 1/4 tbsp MaxiCrop Liquid Seaweed with Iron
1 tbsp Super Bat Super Tea Liquid

-Week 4
2 1/2 tsp FF Grow Big
1 tbsp Neptune's Harvest Seaweed and fish
1/4 tsp molasses

-Week 5
1 tbsp FF Grow Big
1 tbsp Neptune's Harvest Seaweed and fish
1 tbsp Super Bat Super Tea Liquid

-Week 6
1 tbsp FF Grow Big
2 tbsp MaxiCrop Liquid Seaweed with Iron
1/4 tsp molasses

-Week 7
1 1/2 tbsp FF Grow Big
1 tbsp Neptune's Harvest Seaweed and fish

-Week 8
1 1/2 tsp FF Grow Big
1/4 tsp molasses

-Week 9
plain water

-week 10 send to flower


Flowering plants:
-Week 1
1/2 tsp FF Tiger Bloom

-Week 2
1 tsp FF Tiger Bloom
1/4 tsp molasses

-Week 3
1 1/4 tsp FF Tiger Bloom
1 tbsp Super Bat Super Tea Liquid

-Week 4
1 1/2 tsp FF Tiger Bloom
1/4 tsp molasses

(Replace plain water with this between week 4 & 5)
1 tbsp fish emulsion
2 tsp FF Grow Big

-week 5
2 tsp FF Tiger Bloom

-Week 6
2 1/2 tsp FF Tiger Bloom
1 tbsp Super Bat Super Tea Liquid
1/4 tsp molasses

-Week 7
1 tbsp FF Tiger Bloom

-Week 8
1 tbsp FF Tiger Bloom
1/4 tsp molasses

-Week 9
1/4 tsp molasses (for 9 week old plants for flush)
(10 & 11 week plants)
1 1/2 tbsp FF Tiger Bloom

-Week 10
1/4 tsp molasses (for 10 week old plants for flush)
(11 week plants)
1 1/2 tbsp FF Tiger Bloom
1/4 tsp molasses

-Week 11
1/4 tsp molasses

I will also keep the foliar feeding schedule previously posted. So far, no signs of over fertilization and the growth looks to be pretty explosive so far; And, this is with the heat issues......

I hope to have a very good idea if this new schedule will work better by watching the plants that are in veg now that are getting this complete schedule right from the start. So far looking good!
I wonder something???????????? Are you planing on doubling your main cola's bye topping in their youth????????? Looks great dude. Alittle more than I care to spend on interior, but it looks like your pulling all the stops out. Best to you.
I wonder something???????????? Are you planing on doubling your main cola's bye topping in their youth????????? Looks great dude. Alittle more than I care to spend on interior, but it looks like your pulling all the stops out. Best to you.

I actually have been using the fimming them where you leave approx the bottom 10 - 20 % and it makes between 4 - 6 main colas. I am trying to see how much difference in yield there is with different methods on the same strain. Thanks for the props, I am already learning a lot about a larger scale operation. I already have a redesign in mind that will maximize my space and allow for easier care; once the air conditioning is in and the hydro table goes up then the redesign is next.

Thanks Kirk!
It always takes one more! 1 more dollar, hundred, thousand...... One more light, AC dehumidifier! Right when the journey ends we find a new reason to need more stuff.

Seems like every hobby I get into is like this!
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!

Sending you lots of positive energy through the Universe.
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