6 5 3 rock powder amendment

Vegas flower

New Member
Sorry to Doc Bud as I have read this recipe at least 4 times on four different threads but I could not find it through the search. Perhaps today's search fu is low. I think this is an important enough additive that it should have a findable thread.

I need the recipe please? doc? Curso?
Here you go bud,
Take six measures of Calcium Carbonate, add five measures of Soft Rock Phosphate and three measures of Gypsum in a 5 gallon bucket, well mixed.- Add this mix to soil at 1/4 cup per gallon of medium prior to cooking it. That might be slightly different than what I used to recommend back when I was doing that, but it will certainly work.- The important thing is to make sure you cook the soil and have excellent microbial health so the plant can enjoy all that calcium.

Got that from doc a few weeks ago.
This is the same thing I have been looking for! Everytime I look it up or ask somebody I get a different answer. I have heard 2/3 cup per 1 cu ft of soil which equals out to about 7.5 gals of soil. And don't forget about Azomite, still different amounts anywhere for a couple Tbsp 's to 1/3 cup.
There definitely needs to be a thread for minerized soils & what kind of fert's.
I have already seen this one but now DOC doesn't want to use Rock'n Chicken because it might not be GMO free!
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