7Dust2 Mars-Hydro Sponsored FC-E4800 Grow

Had to reword that. Cause I write and comprehend in a different way than most folks. Sorry military and feelings and other junk it's not in me. . Quacks like a duck moves like a duck and craps like a duck. It's a duck..
Some of the nugs so far. Finally cured .






Ok went ahead and hung sirus black and great plant today. I got hink I got 15 15 30 on the plant right now. Should be perfect I hope two more I'm kinda making them turn amber next week or so. Haven't watered in few days . So they kinda look stressed alittle. But they need to be stressed not one issue all year but mold so we know we can grow it's just harvest still unsure about




Awesome looking grow 😍 how many plants you got in your tent? What size is it? I’m asking cause I’m going to get one + want to grow 4 plants in 5gl. bags. Thanks 🙏 CL🍀
Its 3 gallon pots had few five gallons but ten plants was alot. Now it's like 8 three rows of three. Is best. For 5 or 3 gallon.
They look even better upside down! Nice harvest Dust!
Heck seen same plants for 8 months. Now. No need to show dead plant to hang. Pretty much when ambers got on the flower not the sugars leaves. I'm hoping that I hang it at that sweet spot I hope. Light addict said what his company does to harvesting. He said when u cut it is what it will be head body or numb buzz
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