9 Or 10 Trainwreck Autos: First Time, Topped, Soilless


New Member
Hi all,
Been creepin around here for awhile and its my turn to give it a go. All the info on this site is priceless and woundnt be at this stage without the help of everyone here. Especially atrain and the beast.. Auto specialists.

Ok here we go......
What strain is it? Trainwreck
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? hybrid
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? seedlings/still hiding
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soiless
If soil... what is in your mix? Promix hp
If soil... What size pot? 5 gal air pot
Size of light? 250cfl / 1000mh / 1000 hps
Is it aircooled? Yes but not hooked up
Temp of Room/cab? 18-25 ℃
RH of Room/cab? 50-60%
PH of media or res? 5.5-6.5
Any Pests ? Sure hope not
How often are you watering? Whenever needed
Type and strength of ferts used? Lots of general hydropnics.

So beans were dropped on aug 29, planned on doing 8 but only 6 opened so i popped the last 2 out the pack. 6 went in ProMix on the 30th, low and behold 1 of the stubborn 2 opened with a nice tail this afternoon so in the 7th pot it goes. The last of the stubborn ones has a different color and i dont think will go. But we got those other 2 in the same napkin going.. So hopefully we'll have 9 girl show and if im really lucky a 10 way...

The tent is a 8*8 with a 3xl hood modified for the center pole in the tent, see pic. It worked well and the hood slides up and down with the pole running through. Obviously for a more centered light. If i could go back i probably would have gotten the 5*10 so there would be no pole, but hay i dont have time to send back and wait for a new tent, we got to get this show on the road. Im using well water that has a ph of 7.25ish then ph'ing down to as close to 5.8 as possible. Little bit of rapidroot and gh blend in the initial soak of the promix(2mls each for 2gal) just a little somethin somethin.. Only put 2 litres of the water in each pot, i know i probably should have soaked them completely but i didnt have enough water bubbled... As i stated this is my virgin go at this... So 2 popped there heads up already,yay. Im a little worried that a couple might be an 1" or so down in the medium and not a 1/4" . hopefully some more will be up tomorrow.

All pots under a massive real 250w cfl... Should be good for a bit then ill switch to mh.. Hopefully will have some pics up soon..
All help and criticism will be much appreciated..
sorry for the blurry baby shots... Im also looking for a tried and true feeding schedule... For gh flora series.. Was thinking just half the recommend for a bit and try to up as we go... Again all advice will be greatly appreciated..
thanks for stopping in mikey, i was thinking 1/4 at first and bumping it up from there.. See how much they can take then back off a bit. I might just keep them under the cfl for a couple days. The first 6 have all poked there heads up, once they all open up and drop their helmets i will switch to mh..
and these girls love to be topped, they didn't slow down one bit for me.....they don't finish early......but they are pretty impressive smoking.
I topped at the 4th or fifth, and they rewarded me.

ive only got one bud left, and am thinking of growing them again.
Thanks 777. I was lookin at the 10*10, but thought it might be a bit excessive. Good to know Brewer. This is my first go but i think ive seen enough photos to know where to cut, might need a little help around when. I think the consensus is 14-18 days.
Nice sig is there.... Haha... Learning...
So the big news the last soldier from the first soak has cracked and shown her tail. She just went in a pot. So 6 are up, 1 pokin its head, 3 below hiding. I through them under the mh at 50%. 500w to start. We'll see how they like that. About 2 ft high. Its starting to get cold overnight and thought they would like the warmth. Im running 18/6 now. Filter is hooked up and running really low just to help with humidity in the tent. Gave the big 6 a little ring of bubbled water with a little rapidroot and gh blend, 2mls of each in 13 liters. I just keep it bubbling away and when the promix drys out ill give it a ring. Ill take some picks..
Cheers everyone
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