A Closet A Light & A Bucket Of Dirt

Ha,, fine journalling Goin on here,, :thumb:

Fine plant as well, obviously the puppy fur works fer fertilizer. Makes sense, I guess,, fur fer fert.

Good thing, cuz I use it too,, kitty fur fer ferts,, my buds have near as much kitty fur fer coverage as they do trichomes,, only if one looks real close tho,, so i don't


Best karma sent to yer project,, cheers for now,,
Just a quick update.

Incredible Bulk at day 51 of flower is getting there.



Our little Sugar Black Rose is doing nice indeed at 3 days old.


Life is good.
That is indeed a fine specimen, very very nice. All hail amber,, the perfect amber alert,, cheers ditcher
Not sure what caught my eye about the three amigos here.
But caught my eye they did.


And I already hit you with reps! :laughtwo: Those are some of the most lovely trich photos I've seen to date. Made me think of ShiggityFlip's Bluniverse trichome explosion. Lol! You definately have a loving touch with the camera. So glad we found each other Ditchweed. :circle-of-love:

Please, stop deleting photos that are less than pristine. I believe it's important to demonstrate a certain level of transparency. I'd hate for new cultivators to believe that our gardens are always perfect. A little touch of reality is helpful to dispel the romance. For the longest time I wouldn't even clean up the plants before their photo sessions, but Graytail finally convinced me that I as pushing that envelope a bit too far. Lol!
(doing the siren) aoooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooo amber alert,, cutting time

Not yet. Hold off a bit longer. Just a little longer. My rule is wait a week from the moment that they show me they're ready. I don't always make it there, but I always try. :laughtwo:
Pictures are like having company over. No need to be formal, but you should at least take a shower.

Hahaha! Gosh, we'd make good neighbors in the "real" world. Lol!
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