A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step

Lady Antheia

Well-Known Member
My first step began when I started wondering about medical cannabis and asked my doctor about it out of desperation. Thanks to the many wonderful people on this site and others that have been willing to share, I have learned a great amount and am now confident in my decision to move forward on this journey. Science and the wisdom of the ages backs me up. :geek:

My first grow has begun and I am learning all I can about methods of medication.

My sincerest gratitude to all of you that are willing to share your knowledge, answer questions, and advocate for one of nature's most amazing gifts. :Love:
My plants can't grow fast enough! The last couple of weeks have been difficult and today is not much better. Fiorinal and Soma have been pumped into my system but it isn't stopping my migraine from spreading. Next up is Imitrex and prednisone.

So now that I have learned as much as I have recently about cannabis as medicine, I can't contain my anger and disdain for anyone trying to police our society and our choices that we are free to make with our own bodies. How is it okay to give me a cabinet full of medications that come with serious, life threatening side effects? But a plant is illegal?
This is just going to be a brainstorm/memo post about some observations I've made that I hope will help others.

1. Get a binder. Fill it with blank paper and tabs.

There is so much information that you will want to keep track of and organize.

2. Use bookmarks in your browser to keep track of wonderful posts, blogs, and other info you find.

This is for the same reason as the binder. And keep it organized. Make folders for major topics and you'll probably want subfolders, too. There is so much wonderful information here and it can be hard to keep track of.

A. Growing
1. Seedlings
2. Transplanting
3. Nutes
4. Plant health and troubleshooting

B. Harvesting
1. All about trichomes
2. Drying
3. Storage

C. Processing
1. Decarbing
2. Methods or decarbing

D. Methods of Medication
1. Vaping
2. Tinctures
3. Oils
4. Creams/Butters
5. Edibles

Again, this is just a quick brainstorm. There are more subtopics and areas of interest to cover, but I just wanted to let you know how I am trying not to lose any of the wonderful things I am learning. :Love:
This is just going to be a brainstorm/memo post about some observations I've made that I hope will help others.

1. Get a binder. Fill it with blank paper and tabs.

There is so much information that you will want to keep track of and organize.

2. Use bookmarks in your browser to keep track of wonderful posts, blogs, and other info you find.

This is for the same reason as the binder. And keep it organized. Make folders for major topics and you'll probably want subfolders, too. There is so much wonderful information here and it can be hard to keep track of.

A. Growing
1. Seedlings
2. Transplanting
3. Nutes
4. Plant health and troubleshooting

B. Harvesting
1. All about trichomes
2. Drying
3. Storage

C. Processing
1. Decarbing
2. Methods or decarbing

D. Methods of Medication
1. Vaping
2. Tinctures
3. Oils
4. Creams/Butters
5. Edibles

Again, this is just a quick brainstorm. There are more subtopics and areas of interest to cover, but I just wanted to let you know how I am trying not to lose any of the wonderful things I am learning. :Love:

It's hard trying to find an equilibrium between keeping good bud growing data and hiding the untold evidence you also accumulate, should one run afoul of the local constabulary ;) hope you're in an ok place and if you are I can't knock you're logic. You've got the bases (and more) covered nicely ;)
That is true. Thankfully, I think many on here are fortunate enough to live in legal states. But what's not to say it is all for general research to understand the changing laws across the country and what impact it might have on them? :blushsmile:
A VPN is a good idea for anyone these days, no matter where you live. That's just my .02 anyway. :;):
My plants can't grow fast enough! The last couple of weeks have been difficult and today is not much better. Fiorinal and Soma have been pumped into my system but it isn't stopping my migraine from spreading. Next up is Imitrex and prednisone.

So now that I have learned as much as I have recently about cannabis as medicine, I can't contain my anger and disdain for anyone trying to police our society and our choices that we are free to make with our own bodies. How is it okay to give me a cabinet full of medications that come with serious, life threatening side effects? But a plant is illegal?

More and more the clarion call for the end to prohibition is "opioids kill, cannabis doesn't." Kinda crazy that it comes to this.
A VPN is a good idea for anyone these days, no matter where you live. That's just my .02 anyway. :;):

What is a VPN? I tried to reason it, but couldn't.

Organizing the data is my greatest challenge. I started numerous threads where most of mine get dropped, but then it's remembering where everything is. I had to start a thread for the list of my threads. Lol! I still have folders and index cards all over the apartment. I keep a stack of index cards on hand for quick notes on the fly, then they get transferred into the appropriate folder.

Mine are more on medicinal cannabis applications and the ECS, and they keep evolving as I get deeper into study. Lately I've been scrolling through old med posts and noticing how much valuable information is being lost in them. I see more organization in my future. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Index cards are one of my favorite tools! I buy huge stacks when they are on sale for back to school shopping, and I always get the biggest kick out of the expression of the checkout person as I start unloading a huge cart full of goodies. They always ask where I teach. :rofl:

VPN stand for Virtual Private Network. It's a way of routing your internet traffic for privacy so that it does not show your IP address. There was a great article about them that recently came out. Let me see if I can find it, and I'll pass it along. :Love:
Most don't worry about it or even give it a second thought. It's all a personal preference thing. :peace::hippy:
Thoughts on methods of medication...

After much reading here, I realize multiple methods will provide the best treatment and relief. Fresh harvest oil is at the top of my list, along with tinctures, and edibles. A vaporizer also seems a necessary medical investment for quick medication.

Let's talk about one more that many may not want to consider, but should. Suppositories. Yep, you read that right. This would have been a game changer this weekend when I was experiencing terrible vomiting and there was no chance that I could have used a vape or anything oral. So I started looking at this idea, and I'm not alone. Several amazon reviews mention people using silicone molds for the purpose of making medical suppositories. This isn't something I plan to use often, but for certain patients it would be a great idea to keep a few of these made and on hand in case of emergencies.

Here are a few molds to consider:

Suppository Mold Trays 2ml


Pharmaceutical 1.76ml Suppository Mold
This is the one listed on compound pharmacy supply sites. They also make a smaller 1.35ml version

Silicone Mold
This appears to be the best option that makes 66 at a time and would be easy to clean and store. Unfortunately, it doesn't list how many ml each cone holds.

Thoughts on methods of medication...

After much reading here, I realize multiple methods will provide the best treatment and relief. Fresh harvest oil is at the top of my list, along with tinctures, and edibles. A vaporizer also seems a necessary medical investment for quick medication.

Let's talk about one more that many may not want to consider, but should. Suppositories. Yep, you read that right. This would have been a game changer this weekend when I was experiencing terrible vomiting and there was no chance that I could have used a vape or anything oral. So I started looking at this idea, and I'm not alone. Several amazon reviews mention people using silicone molds for the purpose of making medical suppositories. This isn't something I plan to use often, but for certain patients it would be a great idea to keep a few of these made and on hand in case of emergencies.

Here are a few molds to consider:

Suppository Mold Trays 2ml

Pharmaceutical 1.76ml Suppository Mold
This is the one listed on compound pharmacy supply sites. They also make a smaller 1.35ml version

Silicone Mold
This appears to be the best option that makes 66 at a time and would be easy to clean and store. Unfortunately, it doesn't list how many ml each cone holds.
With suppositories that you may not use often, I would worry about mold. I suppose you could keep them in the freezer maybe? Do you know of any testing for potency after freezing? I think I need to pull up a chair here if you don't mind? Medicine and methods are right where my mind is at. I am on some pretty scary drugs now, Humira and Methotrexate. Nasty poisons but they keep me walking and working. Just got of 2 years of steroids...oiy!
Most are made with cocoa butter, which is very stable. Many people keep jars of cocoa butter for 2-5 years. I would think that if they are kept in the fridge, they would last at least a year - if not longer.

I have not made a bath of them yet, but I have read of many that have. If there is anyone here that would like to chime in, please do! :hugs:
Hmmm.. Have an idea. I would like to incorporate Manuka honey, coconut oil, with cannabis for a salve. The meds I am on for my immune system have caused my skin to have a Lupus like reaction. Coconut oil, Manuka, and cannabis! That is a serious combo for healing!
Thoughts on methods of medication...

After much reading here, I realize multiple methods will provide the best treatment and relief. Fresh harvest oil is at the top of my list, along with tinctures, and edibles. A vaporizer also seems a necessary medical investment for quick medication.

Let's talk about one more that many may not want to consider, but should. Suppositories. Yep, you read that right. This would have been a game changer this weekend when I was experiencing terrible vomiting and there was no chance that I could have used a vape or anything oral. So I started looking at this idea, and I'm not alone. Several amazon reviews mention people using silicone molds for the purpose of making medical suppositories. This isn't something I plan to use often, but for certain patients it would be a great idea to keep a few of these made and on hand in case of emergencies.

Here are a few molds to consider:

Suppository Mold Trays 2ml

Pharmaceutical 1.76ml Suppository Mold
This is the one listed on compound pharmacy supply sites. They also make a smaller 1.35ml version

Silicone Mold
This appears to be the best option that makes 66 at a time and would be easy to clean and store. Unfortunately, it doesn't list how many ml each cone holds.

I kept going past this thread and missed this. (I have over a hundred subscriptions .....) I've been thinking we need a thread on suppositories. What are your thoughts?

LadyGaea, any cooked oils are best kept in the refrigerator. Capsules make acceptable suppositories, and being made with cooked oils are also best stored in the fridge. They'll seep oil if you don't keep them cold, another good reason to keep them stored cold and dark.

I like to periodically take jars of oil out, bring them back to room temperature, stir them up agian really well and toss them back in. This helps disperse the components better. Usually the capsules get used up within a month, so storage is temporary. BadKat (another site) used to freeze/thaw hers a few times to break everything down smaller. We don't know for sure if freezing is acceptable for the oils, but I can't think of why they wouldn't be safe frozen. Just don't know for sure.
Thanks Sue for all that you do here for the community. I wish I could turn back the clock and follow the path I ought to have taken sooner . My Dad was a food chemist and bacteriologist. Instead of becoming a chef, I should have majored in nutrition. I'm pushing 50 & I'm contemplating going back to school and finishing my degree in nutrition. I am planning a cookbook for people with autoimmune disorders....yes...it will include cannabis and hemp along with other healthy recipes. The problem is... my daily energy level right now is finite. I suffer from 5 autoimmune disorders that suck the life out of me. I feel like a medical lab rat and I just know in my bones that cannabis may be the Holy Grail that saves so many lives! Even if it only means that some wonderful person out there is able to go to work everyday, do house work, cook a meal, hold a job, pick up their child, see a graduation, run in a charity race...you get it! You all get it! So many folks here are contributing to a very large medical research group. We know the benefits and are spreading the word. :Love: It's awesome! Sorry...I'm a bit maudlin tonight. I have a head cold and we have had a loss in our family. All the more reason to keep on keeping on! :peacetwo:
A thread that focuses on suppository as a method of medication would be helpful. I'm just thinking that some of the patients that need that info might not be able to dig through some of the other long threads that mention them.

In journal news, I got a very important package yesterday to help me on my journey to wellness. :cheertwo:


Good morning, Herbie! :circle-of-love:


In preparation for the arrival, I clipped a couple of fan leaves to dry. They are not as potent as cured bud, but at least it is something to try out with Herbie. I am in awe! There isn't enough cbd and thc yet for me to notice a huge difference in pain, but my lung function is better after vaping this morning. It's amazing how much more open my airways are, and I haven't needed any inhalers! :yahoo:
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