Hi guys newbie here. Just thought id pop in and make a progress thread, why not? Got 5 ak48 fem seeds that all germinated well. I had a little accident as a pot fell over and i had to search the soil looking for the seedling lol. Shes alright now just stuck her back in the soil before she started rooting in the carpet. Anyways they are in black label growin medium which is 60/40 mix of coco and clay pebbles. Feeding coco a&b. They are getting 12 hours of hps and 6 hours of cfl. As my small lsd plant is in flowering. Thats why they have to go under the cfl for the 6 hours i dont want to flower them yet and i only have one hps. I want them to have as much light as they can to grow strong. I plan on topping them once before they remain in the flowering room with the lsd and let them recover well. Anyway i hope everyone is well and feel free to comment. Im ready to upload some pictures but not sure how. Ill give it a go tonight when i get in.