Alchemist420's - Mystery Strain - Indoor - Soil/Coco - Grow Journal - 2016


New Member
Hello Everyone, new member to 420Magazine here, but I have been a reader / follower for a while.

This is my 1st grow since the late '90s

Strain: Mystery seeds
2 seeds found in a bag of nice nugs referred to as NC-15, supposedly from California. I can not find any information on the strain.

Indoor: 2 x 4 Tent

Soil / Coco: mix of Fox farm Coco-Loco and Ocean Forest 15 Gallon Smart Pot shared for both plants

Nutrients: 25%-50% strength - Nectar For the Gods Medusas Magic, Fox Farm Tiger Bloom, General Hydro CALiMAGic, Super Thrive

Light: 400w T5 - Apollo Horticulture T5 4 Foot / 8 Tube

Temps: 74 F - 80 F

Relative Humidity: 40% - 55%

Watering Schedule: By weight of pot

Current Stage: Flower - I just switched from Veg to 12/12 Flower. 70 days from seed germination to switch

It has been a very long time since I found seeds in any herb that I have received. I found 2 little barely tan seeds in a small bag of what was referred to as NC-15 from California. So, I decided I would make it a project and see if they would germinate and if so start my own indoor grow.
There are definitely 2 Phenotypes and I have marked them in each photo. Sorry I don't have more photos as I was not planning a grow journal, so these are what I had on my phone.
I used a combination of Topping, Super Cropping, and LST and have almost completely filled out a 2'X 4' canopy in my tent
When I lolly popped them I did take clones and successfully rooted several from each pheno, but only kept 2 from each.
They both pre-flowered as females, and at day 70 they were switched to 12/12 flower light cycle.
I will definitely be giving weekly updates as they go through flowering stage.

Thank you for visiting my 1st grow journal and please feel free to ask questions, make recommendations. If you can provide information on the "NC-15" strain I would definitely appreciate any insight on it.


Day 6


Day 12


Day 28


Day 42

Day 70 Switched to 12/12




Day 70 Switched to 12/12
Update: I have been told NC-15 = North County 15 but no other information was provided.
Any additional information or insight on this strain is appreciated
Thank you Spart. I am more than please with the garden so far.
It has definitely reignited my interest in growing and plan on many more grows to come.
Thank you and I like flowers too!
These girls are already starting to show their lady parts.
I plan on doing weekly updates on Saturdays, so be expecting new pics and a weekly update
Thank you and I like flowers too!
These girls are already starting to show their lady parts.
I plan on doing weekly updates on Saturdays, so be expecting new pics and a weekly update

I look forward to it. Your case grow fever is almost at the point of no return, you'll be in the garden for life once it sets in completely.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
August 13, 2016 - Weekly Update - Day 74 from seed

Hello Everyone!

Just got done taking some pictures of my girls and their children and time to give the weekly update.
Please feel free to comment, ask questions, or point out possible issues you may see.

My 2 ladies have now been in Flower for a week. The stretch is on and the lady parts are showing!
The tops have have put on 6-8 inches this week, and the side branches have really stretched even more.
Been letting them stretch then training them in the netting to keep them low and even.

I flushed these ladies with plain water at 5.5-6 PH before switching to 12/12. The last watering 2 days ago was a 5.5-6 PH with half strenght Tiger Bloom, Medusa's Magic, and a quarter strength CALiMAGic.

I also took clones from both of my phenos several weeks ago and have been vegging them. I did run into an issue with the Pheno #1 clones. They outgrew their pots faster than I expected and wasn't paying enough attention so they got a little root bound and started yellowing and drying out. I caught it though. Transplanted all my clones to #2 nursery pots and they appear to be making a comeback.

So here are the photos from this morning, let me know what you think.

Here are my clones. Top Left and Bottom Right are my Pheno#1, Bottom Left my Pheno#2, Top Center and Top Right are 2 different pheno clones from a friend

Here are the original Ladies, Pheno#1 on top, and Pheno#2 on bottom

Here are some close ups of some of Pheno#1 tops stretching and showing her lady parts

Here are some close ups of some of Pheno#2 tops staying tight and compact on top but stretching from underneath

Well that is it for today's weekly update. Again feel free to comment, ask questions, or point out possible issues.

Thank you for stopping in and checking my grow journal!
Looks like you got yourself some really happy girls :high-five:

Thanks Spart, they get lots of attention. This being my 1st grow in over 15 years I have to make sure I don't go overboard and love them too much (too much water, nutes, defol, etc....)
You're doing a great job by the and the stretching should stop soon and the flowering shall begin :p

Thank you Spart.
The Stretch in Pheno#1 is noticeably different than Pheno#2. It has put on probably 10 inches at this point and is starting . Pheno #2 it stretching but it is keeping everything tight and compact looking at probably 6 inches of stretch at this point.
Both Phenos are really starting to explode with pistils on the tops and at the nodes. Everyday they look even better.

very nice

Thank you very much Smeagol!
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