Alocasia odora leaves acting up why is this happening?


Well-Known Member
This is my non-420 main chick right here,so when she acts up I get sweaty,she has indirect sun light all day and grow light bulbs inside. She is acclimated and growing new fans without dropping any old ones so she happy n healthy but 2 of the fan leaves have turned the opposite direction of the sun? She has been acclimated in this spot for months,why would she suddenly turn like this ?
Lmao heyyyy,so she doing better I think she was just confused on those 3 leaves,cause of the move n lighting change maybe. I had to force leaves to face the right way,he much better..... but now it's my rh see...

She bursting outta her pot w pups 👌 I am having trouble maintaining RH. Alocasia very picky. I want to get a mini fish tank for this table. Fishtank would sit under the leaves,they hang over me when I sit at table !! This seems like a good idea to raise this plants specific RH without raising other plants RH? Humidity is 30% to 50% but this seems to want more ? Good idea bad idea?
It's the leaves,look.....

I have been fighting this for a bit,I thought it was rh but I'm not so sure any more,is anyone familiar with elephant ears ?
I dosed her with a light bio tone n compost tea n extra mag,increased water bucket size n eliminated any drafts. Yellowing started receding so I thought was good but its back and I'm thinking it's not rh. It should have worked. ?
Ok so I tried pulling bag up and started watering on longer intervals and I am begining to see they green coming back,I'm thinking I could have been slightly over watering or keeping soil too wet too often when I am misting the plant ? I'm not sure but I will keep watch it.

She looking much better now she drying out a bit,I hope this is the only thing causing this ?
Just showing off how she be....

Ahhh and here is the proof she is a happy camper,this is a alocasia odora (night scented lilly) flower that is starting !!!!! This is proof she is very very happy,odora rarely flower but when they do it's because they are in perfect health n happy af......

Best option is too snip it off,flowering is so taxing that it stops growing leaves and stems and only focuses on the flower. I debating if I want to see the flower or not .........?????
Few friends stopped by a few days ago and we started talking about the odora and was saying that a lot of people love these plants and that the plants are so picky most people kill/replace the plant every few months due to improper care. So that's why they fairly expensive in winter times up here in frozen Yankee hell!! So long to short she was saying I could make like 25$ to 85$ depending on size and my baby could go for almost 100 $ plus !! Hmmm this has my gears turning.... Imagine how many pups she could produce n I can pot and sell them easy af in my place ? Only issue is how do I advertise locally ?
Few friends stopped by a few days ago and we started talking about the odora and was saying that a lot of people love these plants and that the plants are so picky most people kill/replace the plant every few months due to improper care. So that's why they fairly expensive in winter times up here in frozen Yankee hell!! So long to short she was saying I could make like 25$ to 85$ depending on size and my baby could go for almost 100 $ plus !! Hmmm this has my gears turning.... Imagine how many pups she could produce n I can pot and sell them easy af in my place ? Only issue is how do I advertise locally ?
craigslist or ebay auction set to pickup only ought to work!
craigslist or ebay auction set to pickup only ought to work!
Oh craigslist is a great idea !! eBay does plants ? Really hmm I gonna check that one out for sure ty!! one of my younger sisters does door dash n stuff like it,I already mentioned it off hand and she said I could deliver w her whenever or I could pay her out of the plant purchase at my awesome big bro discount ofc 😎 lol Are you familiar with night scented lilly ? Do you think there could be enough interest,I have other plants aswell ??
I've used USPS Priority Mail with eBay to sell cactus cuttings. The USPS will send you free Priority Mail boxes, then you buy your shipping label online and schedule with the USPS to pick up the package at your home. Easy as can be.

Be careful with craigslist. It can be useful but there are lots of scammers.
I've used USPS Priority Mail with eBay to sell cactus cuttings. The USPS will send you free Priority Mail boxes, then you buy your shipping label online and schedule with the USPS to pick up the package at your home. Easy as can be.

Be careful with craigslist. It can be useful but there are lots of scammers.
I did not know this ? Hmm I no clone pro but if I mailing local I can def figure something out to make sure seedlings arrive unmolested n intact. Ty I gonna look more into it been thinking about it a lot too.
ship 'em bare-root. Gently remove all soil, soak a paper towel, wrap the roots with it and cover them with a plastic bag. They will do fine for a few days provided recipient pots them asap.
Succulents and cacti you don't even need the damp paper towel...
ship 'em bare-root. Gently remove all soil, soak a paper towel, wrap the roots with it and cover them with a plastic bag. They will do fine for a few days provided recipient pots them asap.
Succulents and cacti you don't even need the damp paper towel...
Really good idea,I never would of thought of that,but now that I think about it yea it could def work just wrap root in wet paper towel maybe soaked in something that eases plant shock and stuff. I could even put root and stem inside a paper towel center to protect it. Maybe use bubble wrap to steady and keep moister n rh steady. Line box w 5 mil sheet plastic n boom ready to ship lol. Good damn
Idea ty 👌😎👍
The night scented lilly is doing great !! Really getting big !!!....

Removed flower sprout,and am considering a up pot,she only in a 2.8 gal pot and now she looks a lot bigger,leaves are huge, so she looks funny w such a small pot lol. Gonna transplant her soon.
Ok so I looked under the pot cover for some pups or corms and I'm in luck!!! Checkit .....

Found 5 corms just chilling on soil surface,found more but I'm gonna start w these. They in my clone dome til they root
Check it out lol found this in the pot !!!

Look at this lil shit !! Lol healthy as an ox too lol
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