AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Ok i cut them into thin strips. Filled qt jar with PH 6 distilled water and used my jar sealer to suck air out. Got my egg shells going. Pic of them with my coffee grounds. Other than molasses, is there anything else i need to have on hand when it's time for nutes?
No worries.
1. Put seed in water glass see if it sinks (12hrs tops,)
2. Place seed in wet paper towel between 2 plates (it wants the darkness) place the plates in a warm place. (on top of fridge for example)
Wait until seed opens and you see tap root.
3. Carefully Place seed on top of soil and add a little soil on top. Or use a pencil, stick it down 1.5 cm/. 0.6 inch in the soil, in the hole carefully Place seed with tweezers, tap root up.
Mist with water from spray bottle.. And wait.

Hmm, tap root up? I don’t want to start something, but I’ve aways read “tap root down” and that’s what I’ve always done. You drop the seeds in the other way?
How do you mean keltic with the banana peel?
Fermenting or?
I have never tested on or the other against each other, just popped it upwards, felt logical of what I have read.
this is what I try to do. sometimes the seed just tumbles over on its own.

I never did the banana peels properly.
I tried the Banana peels in water in a jar, I always got it a bit sour smelling, it was off. Could be my water, I should try distilled,
..... I put bananas in my air intake as they ripen, then I eat them, Yummy.
ECW and Kelp do most of my garden supplement now. well in my primary container ((my sweet sativas get the organic treatment)).
My side grows get anything, organic or other wise. Mostly it is chamomile tea...:ganjamon:
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