Another question about banana peels for cannabis

I remember that @Emilya did some extensive research and testing of various Banana Peel Tea several years ago. She posted several threads, some as Journals, describing what she was doing, what the results were, and included photographs.

Doing an advanced search on this message board using the keywords of:
banana peel tea
and then Posted by: Emilya
and Older Than Jan 1, 2021

should produce about 3 pages of results. I would think that some of those results would help with your questions.
no, banana peels are not a significant source of phosphorus, even when fermented, which is way better at releasing the available nutrients than boiling. Organic growing doesn't just mean decomposing or otherwise modifying natural inputs applied on the fly, it usually refers to the practice of using a minerally enhanced soil, activated with microbes so that the feeding of the plant is handled naturally, and not because of the gardener applying this or that to the soil to force feed the plants. To this end rock phosphate and biochar bat guano (or feces), bone meal, crab and shrimp waste, burned cucumber skins, hair and mushroom compost is often used when building that soil so it is there and available for the microbes to work on. While the plant is growing in that soil, is probably not the proper time to apply these natural inputs... this should be done prior to the grow while you are composting the soil to get ready for a grow.

Phosphorus is the most difficult mineral to get into the plants because only one small section of the roots allows for its passage. It is well known that to enhance the phosphorus uptake into the plant it is very beneficial to apply mitochondrial fungi when building the containers so that a large fungal network grows up around the roots, greatly enhancing the roots ability to gather and uptake the phosphorus. I have proven to myself over and over again the necessity of this step, so I always use our sponsor, @DYNOMYCO to supply my grows with this fungal support.

If your soil is lacking this phosphorus you can still maintain an organic grow by applying raw phosphate in an available form, just look for triple phosphate, a very common garden additive. As long as it is the microbes and fungi actually applying it to the roots for you, even after top dressing... its still organic.
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