Attack Of The Sour Diesel Clones

I have a ton of growth under my net but I'm having a hard time wanting to pull anything with pistils. I've taken a few very small ones, close to the main stalk but there's an awful lot. I feel like this should have been done in veg, or maybe early flower. I'm three weeks in... is it too late to remove a bunch? If not, how much should I take?

Going strictly by what I've seen, if it were mine I would take all the lower leaves off with the exception of the set of leaves just below each bud on the end of a stem. Any bud growing directly out of a stem I would cull and freeze.

Going strictly by what I've seen, if it were mine I would take all the lower leaves off with the exception of the set of leaves just below each bud on the end of a stem. Any bud growing directly out of a stem I would cull and freeze.

AWESOME!! I love how you give a visual - this is perfect, now I know just what to do . Thank you so much.

What do I do with the culled and frozen bits? .
I got kicked out of the app and haven't been able to get back in.... until I hauled out the old laptop. Still works, mostly. I was going to try to upload a pic put it's late and it can't remember how to do it on the laptop. The clones continue to grow and SMELL soooooo good!! I can't tuck without a glove because they are so sticky.
Did you tap the little camara icon? I use my phone as well. After you upload your pic to the members gallery i have to also open the "your media" icon in the pull down menu. I guess that adds it to your gallery? Im an idiot my wife had to show me.
Definitely getting easier to use the mobile site the more I use it. I found it works better, for me, in the Samsung internet app (pre installed) than chrome.
Today I discovered that you can upload/save more than one pic at a time (into the gallery)

So.... on to the pics

I took apart an old cheap digital camera to use the lens, with my phone, as a microcamera. It's amazing! ! I'm mesmerized by the micro pics o_O

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